pogo-does it have a plastic spacer on the metering side w/o a vent hole in the metal cover ?
Sure does. Double gaskets, too.
Anyone have a Zama replacement handy for cheap? Or should I just try running this Walbro?
pogo-does it have a plastic spacer on the metering side w/o a vent hole in the metal cover ?
sdhamblin-you did the right thing drilling a hole. the kit gaskets lacked the extra vent holes in the diaphragm and gasket for that type carb. there was a spacer missing,hence the longer screws. just ran into this myself, finally noticed the missing holes. runs great now !
Those 359's are nice saws,glad you got that one running right.Mine is an 06 with no problems yet and Snellerized 3 years ago.I should check and see what carb set-up I have.
...just not when stock and with the cat muffler they come with in the US.....:msp_sneaky:
Turtle-thanks for the confirmation that I'm OK, and for the explanation about the kit, screws and gaskets. That is all very helpful info!
Sad news, my 359 idles, but wnt rev and has no power. My cs3450 kicked it's rear today-how sad is that!
Sad news, my 359 idles, but wnt rev and has no power. My cs3450 kicked it's rear today-how sad is that!
Since this thread has been resurrected from the archives I will add an update. The 359 I rebuilt is still in active service and running well, it mostly cuts the new owners firewood on a yearly basis and a little yard cleanup here and there. It cuts up 6-7 cord of hardwood into firewood lengths yearly so no large amount of hours on it so far but it is a very nice running saw with plenty of power, guess the port job I did on it has not hurt it any amount. The new owner would`n think of giving it up and is more than satisfied with it.