Shoutout to Weimedog a mofo that speaks truth to power!!
A couple years ago we sold a complete FT 660 kit with a few OEM parts on Ebay they sold in spurts. None for a month and then three in a week and we were out of stock for a month till we got all the parts back in stock and then nothing for a month and then bam 5 in a week.
We sold them for @550 as best I can remember and made about $65 profit at the time. Shipping 20 pounds twice is expensive.
We built and sold maybe a dozen on Craigslist making sure every customer understood what they were for @$650.
I sold at least three to a local tree service who abused them just like the real deal and clutches and sprocket rims seemed to wear out quicker, but not crazy fast and certainly an acceptable life-span for the difference in price.
I started selling kits to a couple of local builders/flippers who buy parts from me.
The last batch I sold were 5 to one guy and three of them had the issue
@weimedog described with the BB top end needing clearancing to fit properly. Of course the fitmet was so close that everything turned fine by hand but began to clatter at running speed as parts heated up and broke.
We also sold 361 and 360 kits successfully to tree services and on the Ebay.
The margins were too small for the amount of labor involved.
I would say as long as you count on spending a total of $400 you can build a pretty darn decent Aftermarket MS660 Clone.
I warn strongly against buying them preassembled (same with 260, 360, 361 and the 346, 372) they are built sweatshop assembly line style with no testing or quality control it's 50/580 you get one that even starts out of the box.
Building a Clone 660 or 361 is pretty fun and rewarding and you will likely end up with a saw that feels about 92.1% like the real deal.
The tensioner is hinky but 1/6th the price of Stihl, if you assemble it with lube and the inner side plate and then work it from end to end with a big honkin' screwdriver before going any further, you have a strong chance it will be fine.
The gears are forced to find the mesh this way and if it makes it from end to end it should be trouble free forever. If it wont go you can order a new one before the saw is all assembled.
Am carbs for the 660 are a mixed bag of mostly "Meh".
Bosch or NGK plug and a good carb are big improvements along with at least Caber rings, preferably a meteor piston or better yet p/c.
I wouldn't really run one 6-8 hours a day and I think most guys that run a saw that much are pros and might prefer the real deal even if just for the placebo effect.