The best we can figure I got it at the VA Hospital. Not to bash the VA, but we went down to get an ultrasound for my wife (she is 2 months pregnant) and while there I HAD to use the restroom. As usual I wiped the seat before I sat down but that doesn't get rid of MRSA. The sore is in line with where I sit on a toilet (now it hurts if I sit period) so I must have had a break in the skin to let it in. The restroom I used was in the main lobby. During the week they have coffee and donuts available in the morning. A lot of homeless come in for the free meal and to get out of the weather. I imagine they use the toilet at the same time. This particular strand is community acquired and is not present in hospitals. Since I don't rub butts with people this was the only logical way I figured I could have gotten the infection. On Friday morning it was a REALLY sore pimple. By Friday night it was the size of a golf ball. At 4 am on Saturday I woke and could not get back to sleep. The site was now the size of a baseball and throbbing with pain. I went to the hospital around 5:30 am and they figured (incorrectly) that it was an abcess and cut it open to let it drain. They made a 2" X 2" X across the infected area. It didn't really drain at all but it did allow the bacteria into my blood stream. I was sent home with percocet and bactrim (an antibiotic). I got home took my meds and laid down. I tried to get up and dressed at 6 pm and didn't feel up to it. My wife came home at 10 pm and I could get out of bed and started throwing up uncontrollably. She took me to the ER and I was admitted at 4 am Sunday morning. They misdiagnosed my condition as cellulitus and began treating me with Penicillin based antibiotics. MRSA is resistant to penicillin based antibiotics so my condition continued to degrade. Sunday afternoon my kidneys shut down, my body temp shot up 7 degrees, I had an uncontrollable migrane and couldn't even drink water without vomiting. The contacted the CDC and the infectious disease doctor on call and around 9 pm they ascertained that I probably had an CA MSRA infection. They switched my antibiotics to Zoicen, maxipime and cleocin. By Monday evening my headache was under control, I was able to urinate and my fever was dropping. By Wednesday I was able to get out of bed and use the restroom and started whirlpool baths to aid the sores in draining. Now I'm home and feel good enough to get around, surf the net, etc., but I still feel it when I over exert myself. I'm sure I'll be fine in a few days. I lost 8 pounds I didn't want to loose. I don't have much of an appetite but I'm sure it will be back soon enough.