Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas
I have read most of your posts and they seem to have a common theme, that you do tree work like a bull runs through a china shop.

Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas
I have read most of your posts and they seem to have a common theme, that you do tree work like a bull runs through a china shop.
Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas
I have read most of your posts and they seem to have a common theme, that you do tree work like a bull runs through a china shop.
My agenda is truth and sanity so I'm left with no choice but to ignore all this guff from someone who's caught spreading bs (nice quotes, jps), then turns tail. If you are king of LA why'd you call about travel to VA to chase Izzy...5 days after?Originally posted by MasterBlaster
interpret my words to suit your own agenda.
If you are king of LA why'd you call about travel to VA to chase Izzy...5 days after? [/B]
Been done already, but not by me and not fairly. Your ideas, like "any time a plant loses tissue it's stressful and bad", are sometimes whacky, as some of mine sometimes are. But you're talking from your heart and your brain, not the nether regions; no one can tear you apart for that.Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas
Boy, you guys really tore him apart! Do me now!
I'll say it: I'm scared to death of my saw. Know why? 'Cause I know what it can do in that momentary lapse of attention. IF you could devote ABSOLUTELY 110% of your attention to what your saw is doing, 110% of the time, then, yeah, take your CB off. But something tells me you are thinking other thoughts while running the saw. I do it too, I'll admit it. You are hanging in a tree. You are probably thinking something about having to climb further up or descend down for your next cut. You ought to be thinking about where the groundies are too, right? Hmmmmm, what happens when the tip of the saw catches another branch when you glance to make sure no one is under you????Originally posted by MasterBlaster
If yur scared, say yur scared.![]()