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Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas

I have read most of your posts and they seem to have a common theme, that you do tree work like a bull runs through a china shop.

LMAO :laugh:
I see MB's point about his thread having gone astray, but I'll reply to Rocky's query to me anyway ;) .

What aggravates me about your attitude, RJS, is that you paint every one who works for a governmental agency with the same brush based on your one work experience. That is way too stupid for someone as intelligent as yourself. For you to believe that every govt. job is ultra-structured and snail paced shows me you don't know a thing about the vast majority of the work done by me and my co-workers here in the US Forest Service.

You yourself called my work "fasinating" in a thread a ways back over on that other board...in the past two weeks I have climbed whitebark pine for cone collections at timberline on Mt. Hood, picked Noble Fir cones in a seed orchard here on my district from trees that I personally planted 17 years ago, installed antennae and solar panels in trees for a temporary repeater installation to give coverage in a previously dead radio reception area, and this is just the tree climbing stuff. You see, I work in a far wider arena than that. Nothing could be farther from the truth than to call this work structured or slow.

I have come to work at 0630, gone home after 1630 and given taxpayers a full measure for their dollar. Back when timber was king (some dark days there) I ran reforestation crews: get up at 3 am, load 12,000 seedlings by hand out of a cooler with water dripping down my neck, drive out into the dark to get to the unit by daylight, spend days without end out in rain and cold digging in the mud, gone home after 6pm once the unplanted seedling are loaded back into the cooler, once the days' paperwork is done, once the plans are made for tomorrow. This is hard, grinding work that ruins your joints and back, and I know every day that I did it for 20 springs. To show for it I can look at beautiful stands of healthy growing trees, a fair wage earned, and no more. Large portions of the public don't have a clue what it takes to do this, and much the same can be said for several of my supervisors.

My work is largely self-directed, and is never the same from one day to the next. I work hard, I like my job, and I am in the same boat as you in that I'll never get rich doing what I love to do.

Many of my co-workers come to work with the same ethic as I do...not all, just like in your private sector work. Govt. employees are not some anonymous group of "them". We are members of your communities, parents of the kids in your kids' school, shopping in your businesses, purchasing your services, paying taxes just like you do. We are just like you. A basic level of respect is not so much to ask, is it?

Rocky, I remember with thanks the email you sent me with support after I was flamed pretty hard on my initial posts over on BBoard. I thank you again for that. I think of you as a good guy, even when you are giving what seems to me to be unnecessary grief to others. No hard feelings here.
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Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas

I have read most of your posts and they seem to have a common theme, that you do tree work like a bull runs through a china shop.

What have I posted that leads you to that conclusion? I don't tear up squat. But feel free to interpret my words as you choose.

I love it! I say I don't use a CB, and everyone automatically heaps all these other bad attributes on me. LMAO!

Maybe thats why I am the highest paid climber in central LA. No brag, just fact. Maybe thats why I have zero damage, and zero injurys. Maybe thats why I'm usually home by noon, while my other climber friends work thru the afternoon for less money.

Did I say zero damage? Zero injury? Oh, yea, I guess I did.

I started this thread as a half-troll to see what kind of reactions I could elicit from me being truthfull to all of you out there. I didn't tell anyone to do what I do, I just told you my opinion of a CB.

You guys crack me up.:D
Here is some of that mind numbing govt. work :D . Sorry for the incorrect date on the photo...dead batteries, needed to reset that function, was taken last week.
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Yeah, agenda......:confused:

I just call them as I see them.................

Take care, stay safe - Nate

:heart: :heart:
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
interpret my words to suit your own agenda.
My agenda is truth and sanity so I'm left with no choice but to ignore all this guff from someone who's caught spreading bs (nice quotes, jps), then turns tail. If you are king of LA why'd you call about travel to VA to chase Izzy...5 days after?

I agree with you about cb's, and am willing to defend to the death your right to not use one. But your blind lashback above after getting the predictable response from your semi-troll shows one thing: Rocky was right, your fuse is shorter than his, which makes it invisible. Refusing to read (nice quote, treetx) shows that the brain may be a couple cans short of a six-pack. Kind of makes you wonder about... :eek::dizzy:
Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas
Boy, you guys really tore him apart! Do me now!
Been done already, but not by me and not fairly. Your ideas, like "any time a plant loses tissue it's stressful and bad", are sometimes whacky, as some of mine sometimes are. But you're talking from your heart and your brain, not the nether regions; no one can tear you apart for that.:p
You can come out of the basement now, it's time for dinner.
The first thing that pops into my head is the insurance guy asking the question," why did you remove the safety feature on your saw?" there is no way it hinders your productivity or comfort that much that you should risk an uninsurable insident!
Originally posted by MasterBlaster

If yur scared, say yur scared. :cool:
I'll say it: I'm scared to death of my saw. Know why? 'Cause I know what it can do in that momentary lapse of attention. IF you could devote ABSOLUTELY 110% of your attention to what your saw is doing, 110% of the time, then, yeah, take your CB off. But something tells me you are thinking other thoughts while running the saw. I do it too, I'll admit it. You are hanging in a tree. You are probably thinking something about having to climb further up or descend down for your next cut. You ought to be thinking about where the groundies are too, right? Hmmmmm, what happens when the tip of the saw catches another branch when you glance to make sure no one is under you????:confused: Betcha wish you'd left on the CB then...

Will the CB protect you all the time? Nope, it's a tool, and tools break. Should you rely on it entirely? Nope. But it's the best chance you've got. And if you take it off, eventually you will get a new nickname: Burgerface. Or Burgernose. Or perhaps more appropriately, either IDIOT or just plain STUPID.

My $.015 worth.

no chain breaks

well im a rookie arborist and ive only been using chainsaws since i was 12 thats 22 years and i would have to say " that is one of the stupidest things ive everheard and i thought that i would get good knowledge from the people on this site Geuss i can count you out" your nuts and i cant believe you would even post something this obsurd . hope in the future you keep this kind of advice to yourself...... :angry:
Good thread Master Blaster. No chain break? Mine are all intact and will stay that way, but I sure did get a kick out of all the bitterness in this thread!!!:D


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