We are starting to do a lot of work for a builder in Denver who buys existing houses, demo's them and builds new top end houses. We do tree preservation for houses in the front set-back, but we also get to remove trees surrounding the house prior to demolishion. Its funny how my employees jump at the chance to bomb the house, bust up the porch, break windows,etc. I guess its a tree mans form of venting.
The house we worked at today had 4 huge trees around it, and we got it done in 3 hours awesome not having to worry about breaking anything! The guys even hid the logs in the closets of the house so the demo crew would take them away.
That **** is funnn!!!!!!!!!
The house we worked at today had 4 huge trees around it, and we got it done in 3 hours awesome not having to worry about breaking anything! The guys even hid the logs in the closets of the house so the demo crew would take them away.
That **** is funnn!!!!!!!!!