I had a dream

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Stihl Alive

ArboristSite Operative
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Williamston, NC
I dreamt (sp?) I fel out of a tree last night. I ususally climb with 2 flip lines, my wire core, and one of the basic white ones with the lengthening knot already in it (you know what I mean).

I normally use the wire core as my main and the white one to tie in when I need to untie from the wire core. I also use the white one so suspend me from a branch so I can rest my legs or eat a ham sandwich on occasion.

The point I'm getting to is this: What is the safest way to keep the back up flip line on me while climbing? What I always do is clip it to the safety line rings and run it behind my neck nice and snug. In my dream I had it like this and when I fell (can't remember why I fell in the first place) the white flip line ended up hanging me by the neck. I was strangled and when I passed out I woke up.

I thought this was a fairly safe method of carrying the extra line, even if not the safest, but now I'm thinking I should just clip both snaps toa saddle ring and let it hang until needed, even though in the past it always seemed to get caught on something in and I have to snatch on it.

Any advice?

thanks for listening.
I wouldn't recommend clipping both clips to a saddle ring because then you've made a loop and the loop will snag on things. I just clip one carabiner to my saddle and let the rest of the lanyard hang loose. It's still quick to pull it up when you need the second (or third if you're also tied-in up higher) attachment.
just clip both the snaps on to one D ring of the saddle and let it hang there until needed, that's how I've been doing it for years.
I have a job today so we'll see what's comfortable.

Side note: As most of you guys know, I'm not the sharpest tool in the bucket, but this is funnny. I was takling to the guy that's going to help me today and just explaining what he had to do. one point of the conversations went like this:

ME: as long as your on the clock you gotta have a hard hat on.
Him: no way, I hate hard hats, they never fit.
ME: there is a knob on the back, it will fit.
Him: it will be too tight, I don't want to wear one.
ME: just tighten enough so that when you lean over it doesn't fall off, that's all
Him: Why would I need a hard had to pull limbs and lop them up?
ME: dude, I'm not saying something might randomly fall from the sky, which it might, I'm saying I will be PURPOSELY making things fall from the sky. You have too wear a hard hat.

It's hard to get good help these days.
What is up with you and eating sandwiches in the tree? didnt you mention that in another thread?

I eat turkey sandwiches in the tree. When your up there it provides a great view to sit and relax and eat. Did a take down along lake superior a few months back and sat and watched the waves roll in as i ate my sandwich and drank my gatoraide.
hey your pretty close to me...Im in Ontonagon. I usually wait to eat till out of the tree. but I own my own business so time is money. most the time I eat while dumping chips or hauling wood away.

Yeah I'm going to tech, and do some tree work on the side so my time is free. What business do you own? I have some good friends in Ontonagon.
Yeah I'm going to tech, and do some tree work on the side so my time is free. What business do you own? I have some good friends in Ontonagon.

Out Back Tree Service. started the bus. a few years ago...got sick of R.O.W. work to much traveling around the U.P. cant tell ya how many times I had to travel to the copper country to work. know them damm lines like the back of my hand. you going to tech for forestery?
Out Back Tree Service. started the bus. a few years ago...got sick of R.O.W. work to much traveling around the U.P. cant tell ya how many times I had to travel to the copper country to work. know them damm lines like the back of my hand. you going to tech for forestery?

Yeah I'm a forestry major up here, should be done soon. Did ROW work last summer for Consumers energy downstate, i know what you mean traveling around, get to know them lines.
Yeah I'm a forestry major up here, should be done soon. Did ROW work last summer for Consumers energy downstate, i know what you mean traveling around, get to know them lines.

It was nice , sometimes working in the Keweenaw. never anyone to bother you. alota oddballs up there though! I guess thats where the phrase "the Keweenaw stare" came from. have a few friends that went throught there forestery program. Great school.
Interesting. I don't know if anyone brought up the idea of you really knowing not to hang things around your neck and your subconscious dream made you realize how fun it could be? Intersting.
I decided to nickname myself " Almost" cause I come so close to crushing the crap out of stuff all the time ... but never do. I named this other kid " Right on Target!" with the same regards. He is in the ER right now. I like your name. May it live on.
? What I always do is clip it to the safety line rings and run it behind my neck nice and snug. In my dream I had it like this and when I fell (can't remember why I fell in the first place) the white flip line ended up hanging me by the neck. I was strangled and when I passed out I woke up.

thanks for listening.

WTF?!:monkey: Are you saying you clip each side of your lanyard on each side ring and then pull it up over your head?? If so your dream must have been some kind of premonition. I can think of several ways this could go wrong and leave you in bad shape, for 1 if it got caught up and you lose your footing , it cinches up behind your head and you'll have a helluva time trying to get undone if all your body weight is hanging on it, that's just 1 example.

Have you ever climbed or worked for another company?

I'm sure there are other ways but I'd say 99% of people just clip both sides on the same ring when not in use, sure it gets caught sometimes but both sides are right there and easy to let loose. I wouldn't let one side hang either as it could snag on things out of reach just when you're trying to shift to another position or catch a falling branch.
What is up with you and eating sandwiches in the tree? didnt you mention that in another thread?

I like to have a bag lunch in the tree. For most of you this is a total waste of time and money. But this is my "hack" job, and it's nice up there. If the weather is nice and the view is good I'll pull my bag lunch up on a string and have it there.
I have a job today so we'll see what's comfortable.

Side note: As most of you guys know, I'm not the sharpest tool in the bucket, but this is funnny. I was takling to the guy that's going to help me today and just explaining what he had to do. one point of the conversations went like this:

ME: as long as your on the clock you gotta have a hard hat on.
Him: no way, I hate hard hats, they never fit.
ME: there is a knob on the back, it will fit.
Him: it will be too tight, I don't want to wear one.
ME: just tighten enough so that when you lean over it doesn't fall off, that's all
Him: Why would I need a hard had to pull limbs and lop them up?
ME: dude, I'm not saying something might randomly fall from the sky, which it might, I'm saying I will be PURPOSELY making things fall from the sky. You have too wear a hard hat.

It's hard to get good help these days.

guy took a branch to the head that very same day. Hand to God. He wass standing well out of the danger zone when I yelled CLEAR THE GROUND!!, then started my saw. Just when the branch started falling he wlked right under it, never looking up. Little sprig cought him in the top of the head but it still caused it to bleed. I love this guy to death and I'm trying to help him out. He has no family or anything. But GD man. I had to climb all the way down, clean it with some wipes fromt he first aid kit. Then I just put a peper towel on top of his head and slammed a hard hat on it. I was too in awe to even muster an "I told you so"