I left chainsaws all over my yard for years without any problems until recently! I had some little ballsy idiot pull in to my driveway about two months ago and got me for some very nice condition equipment while I was laying down with a headache! He through my Jonsereds 525 in my face and had just enough time to get in his car and drive off with about six saws! And I have to do my own investigation because the police here in Portland Oregon won't help you with theft of your property.But i know too many people around the area and someones gonna slip up and I'm gonna come down on this fool like has no idea! Because I own a chainsaw collection and one of the saws he took was a vintage Wright power saw with the reciprocating blade, and you just don't see them every day! And I'm well acquainted with all the chainsaw nuts like myself in the area and it will show up soon i have a good feeling. I have 135 saws so he didn't even put a dent in how many I still have! And he caught me off guard slacking! But he woke up a sleeping giant! And if there is one thing I know about a scoundrel is, if he got away with it once he will come back for seconds! And I'm very vigilant at this point and I'm ready for his return and God be with him if he gets that stupid! And yes I have baited him with a couple of dead old chainsaws.