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Thank You, Sir Can't wait to get it, just like a kid.
Looks nice. I like the clean design.
So the only 'dis-advantage' of the HD version is that it might be too thick for some Granberg or Timberline type sharpening jigs?
So Philbert, did you get a chance to check out my vices the Hedgerow brought?
Gen3 HD (non roller)
Mike, I'm not really looking for that style of locking device on one.
I really had envisioned the cam type lever for my needs. I also believe that only 2 would be needed on one that length.
Just keep doing what your doing right now though, I don't need one badly, just thought if I could get one that clamps quicker they would be good for me.
I can keep using the one I made for now that uses the bench vice to actually do the clamping on it, hard to get faster then that.
Well OK.... you only have to move the lever nut half a turn approximately the same amount of travel for cam lock. I would be more than happy to leave out the center one for you.
7oaksGen3 HD (non roller)
No! I met him and his family, ran a few of his saws, and he showed me a chain he had tunneled and wet-stoned. But I did not realize he had brought samples of the vises!!!
I'm sure it must have been mentioned in one of the GTG/race/vise threads and I spaced out? Might have been the heat?!?
Now I will have to go to Monkeyfest! Anyone bringing one there!
No! I met him and his family, ran a few of his saws, and he showed me a chain he had tunneled and wet-stoned. But I did not realize he had brought samples of the vises!!!
I'm sure it must have been mentioned in one of the GTG/race/vise threads and I spaced out? Might have been the heat?!?
Now I will have to go to Monkeyfest! Anyone bringing one there!
I got a little bit closer today with the Timberline sharpener. A couple set screws to set the depth of the movable jaw andI think we'll be good.![]()
You do great work. JR
Received the gen2 chain filing vise today and must say it shows great workmanship.
And American Made!
Holds the chain tight & I really like the radius on the end. It does a good job of tightening down with just the wing nuts, if a person didn't want to spend the extra money for the lever nuts.
Thanks Mike
I have been getting 24-32 chains a week from a tree service (last several weeks) + other chains so I spend a lot of time with chains. I realize that is a drop in the bucket for some of you guys but I will take the work.
Thank you for the complement on my vise! I hope it will serve you well!!
I have to ask, in another thread you posted pics of some sweet silvey products. With all them sweeeeet grinders, what will you use the vise for?
Thank you for your business, I was just curious..
Received the gen2 chain filing vise today and must say it shows great workmanship.
And American Made!
Holds the chain tight & I really like the radius on the end. It does a good job of tightening down with just the wing nuts, if a person didn't want to spend the extra money for the lever nuts.
Thanks Mike
I have been getting 24-32 chains a week from a tree service (last several weeks) + other chains so I spend a lot of time with chains. I realize that is a drop in the bucket for some of you guys but I will take the work.