SB I continue to find your story very impressive. I have years where I do quite well then there are years when I barely scrape by. When the time comes I often put a minimum of ten to twelve hour days for months just to survive. My business has always depended on my ability to haul and transport goods or wood. Unless I am delivering the job will not get done. A major part of my budget is to maintain trucks. Hauling trucks and delivering trucks. Haveing some good four wheel drive trucks is essential in that if I want to capitalize on an extra $200 or $300 a cord it has to be done in the snowy conditions. So why do you not have a delivery route with a radius of two to three hundred miles bringing in four times the business. Then have you considered the use of a garden tractor to aid in your prodction instead of a skidsteer tractor. Thanks
Making deliveries cost me profit. Lets say someone orders a cord of wood. I have to hand load the wood on my trailer. Then haul it to the location. Most of the time they want the wood in the back yard and want and sometimes expect me to wheelbarrow it back there and stack it. By the time I get back I've lost 4 hours of yard time. And it always happens, while I'm out on a delivery, someone will show up at the wood lot for wood. So I lose 4 hours plus a customer. It cost me time and money to make delivery's. By making everyone come to the yard they can inspect the wood first and see it stacked in a measured amount. I will help them load or load it myself and I'm done with that wood. The goal is to set up and work as efficiently as possible and reduce handling of the material as much as possible. Every time you have to touch a piece of wood, it cost time and money. I don't get in a big hurry. At my age, I try to pace myself. That blowin and goin is for youngsters.
I picked up 16 more baskets and I would love to have a skid steer to load them with. I may try to find a good used one in the future. It would be nice to set a basket next to the splitter and load as I split, then move the basket and fill another. Then charge a deposit on the basket and just load the whole basket in a truck or trailer. a lot of people will stuff as much wood in there car, van, suv so using a loader wont work for them. I can get just shy of a half cord in a basket. I have stuffed a half cord in a suburban with the back seats down many times. I walk out my front door and walk 200 feet and I'm at work. I produce as much as I can without busting my ass like I did when I was younger. I have my yard laid out so I can easily rotate inventory as it gets seasoned out. I sell as much as I can produce at my own pace.