Ice Storm pics - W. Mass/Berkshires

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ArboristSite Guru
Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
Western Massachusetts
Just a few I took on the way to and from the job this morning. Dont have time to comment them right now, but you get the idea.







Thanks for the pics.
Good thing there are lots of houses, power lines, and telephone lines to help hold up all those iced up trees!
JeffL, thanks for the pics. I was wondering what the west was looking like. We just got our electricity back today. Been out since 2 a.m. friday morning. We had mostly rain but a big pine snapped one house over and down came the lines. Hope all is well out your way. By the way I got to take my Homelite super xl12 with new sharp chain to that pine. A little pay back!!:chainsaw:
We went to Worcester to stars cleraing a pipe line and some places area total mess.In one area I was shearing stems because all the tops snaped out. Its going to be a PITA to chip.
Ice Storm

here's one from my freinds facebook, I just got home for christmas so i wasnt here but i heard it was beautiful and there was alot of noise of tree's snapping. this was kinderhook NY i belive
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here's one from my freinds facebook, I just got home for christmas so i wasnt here but i heard it was beautiful and there was alot of noise of tree's snapping. this was kinderhook NY i belive

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Could you save and upload it to the site's server?


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We have a contract with Verizon as well. The ics storm kille dupstate new york, knocking out 200,000 peoples power. Been clearing trees of verizon cables for about 3 weeks know, 7 days a week. I thnk we are finally caught up, but it is a nightmare out there. Pics to come
it was very similar to that for a few days a couple weeks ago round here, i didnt see any trees down my way but there were mass power outages upstate further. Back in 98 was the worst ive ever seen we didnt have power for weeks, neither did anyone else in the state though.
Don't know where this is from

My wife got an email with a bunch of; "Oh yeah, our storm was worse than your storm" class of pics.

I'll stop complaining now.

(The second pic looks remotely like Charleston SC. Anybody have a guess?)
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I'm gonna guess that's on the coast of Mass. I'd say maybe north of Boston going towards Gloschester or Marble Head? :cheers: