Is your friend doing all of the work himself or will there be a crew workers?
Reason I ask is because this Saturday a group of us did 4.5 cords of wood and skidded another 4 cords out of the woods by ATV. The bucking took very little time compared to the rest of the movements and was never the bottleneck in the operation. We had 3 saws and only ran one while the other guys skidded, carried rounds to splitter, split, and loaded the wood.
He's trying to split the firewood off from his main business. It'll be him and 1 other guy.
I like the skidder processor, but I don't think it'll work for 90% of his wood.
Like Hinerman suggested, I usually hold my logs off the ground when I buck, but I'm usually by myself.
He has at least 100 cords stacked in logs waiting to be processed. With all the equipment, bucking really is the bottleneck.
I guess he's just going to have to really look at how everything flows. Maybe move some things around.