Cottonwood, Sas is more orange .Could someone identify this wood for me? A buddy got some dropped off at his place and I can't seem to place it. Thanks!
Cottonwood, Sas is more orange .Could someone identify this wood for me? A buddy got some dropped off at his place and I can't seem to place it. Thanks!
no but it does smell good. size on those seems to depend on what type ground its growing in. theres alot of it around here but very few big ones.Dang that's a brute for sassafras. Ever uproot a small one in the early early spring and peel root and make tea from it?
That's like saying oak is the same as beech since they have the same genus.
I never said they were.
I'm outta here. To the op I hope I helped you in some way.
All my access roads are washed straight down to bare bedrock. There is nothing left. So walking the Cats and excavators in will be fun this afternoon. Here's to hoping I don't lose a half million dollar machine.
Aspen would be a member of the populos genus making it a poplar. That's only if you want to go by the genus and stuff. Otherwise you could call it whatever you like.Ok poplar is yellow/tulip poplar of the east coast. Its an ancient tree of ancient lineage. We don't get them around here. Popple is big tooth aspen/quaking aspen here. To those that don't know what they are talking about that confuse the term popple and call it poplar. Cottonwood looks similar to aspen, but is even less valuable (if at all) and is called poplar by the same uneducated group. We don't have sassafrass here. The smell of the wood tells a lot. Don't worry about jeff, Colton, hes a *******. He said they were in the same genus on the first page. Boxelder is in the same family as sugar maple so I guess they're the same tree too right? So to re-cap: aspen=popple=ok timber, Tulip/yellow poplar= good timber, cottonwood=junk.