If oil was .25, would you still use wood?

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Mike Van

Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 25, 2007
Reaction score
Kent Ct. USA
I would, mostly because we've done it forever - In '62 or so, grade school science class, the teacher asked what we heated our homes with. Well, 90% of the class didn't know - A few said oil, one gas, and I said wood - The whole class laughed, they thought it was so 'old fashioned' Even the ones that didn't know thought it was funny - They might have been using Yak dung for all they knew, but, wood was old fashion. 40+ years later, I'm still behind the times I guess, and will be as long as I can pick up a saw! So, how about it, 25 cent oil, would you Stihl use wood?
They ( the 'they'), couldn't pay me to heat with anything but wood, its a primeval thing, nice warmth, good smells, enough work to keep the ol' ticker happy, all da good stuff. If oil was .25, well, I might drive further more often :D


If oil ever gets to 25 cents again, you can bet that a lot more people will be burning wood ! Why?

'cause if it ever gets that cheap again, it will mean a global economic collapse with unbelievable depression, and the only way to heat will be with wood. Money and jobs will have to be dam tight before oil gets that cheap again.

An alternate theory: global warming inspires a renaissance of the ecological movement and a total worldwide investment into solar power research. Fossil fuels become obsolete, and are considered toxic remnants of a bygone era. Nobody can unload that messy old cr@p, so the price plummets!

I don't see that happening in the near future.

By the way, I heat my house mostly with wood. Mostly because I'm a cheapskate, but also because I like fires. Not coal, not oil, but wood. No matter what the price, I don't think we will ever have romantic songs like "Chestnuts roasting on the old oil burner..."

Electric can and dose go out when ever it wants to,,,, a free-standing wood stove in the basement has saved miles of water-pipe from freezing.

And what would you really rather sit in front of,,, a heat regerster while the furnace is running?

Or a fireplace?
If oil ever gets to 25 cents again, you can bet that a lot more people will be burning wood ! Why?

'cause if it ever gets that cheap again, it will mean a global economic collapse with unbelievable depression, and the only way to heat will be with wood. Money and jobs will have to be dam tight before oil gets that cheap again.

An alternate theory: global warming inspires a renaissance of the ecological movement and a total worldwide investment into solar power research. Fossil fuels become obsolete, and are considered toxic remnants of a bygone era. Nobody can unload that messy old cr@p, so the price plummets!

I don't see that happening in the near future.

By the way, I heat my house mostly with wood. Mostly because I'm a cheapskate, but also because I like fires. Not coal, not oil, but wood. No matter what the price, I don't think we will ever have romantic songs like "Chestnuts roasting on the old oil burner..."

+1 Smart man. I gave you a rep for that intelligent analysis.
I would still burn wood for all the reasons that have already been said. Its nice to have a 80.00 oil bill verses neihbors 500.00 this winter.Makes me feel good to save money.Got to go throw another log on the fire. Bye
Honestly, I'd burn oil ($250 worth for a year of heat and hot water), but I'd have the wood boiler ready to go when oil shot back up.
I would most surely be heating with wood if oil/gas were 25 cents a gallon because I get great satisfaction out of being self sufficient and independent!
I'd still burn with wood. I'm on natural gas for my backup. I started burning wood three years ago to save money on the bill and since then have discovered that I really like the process of heating with wood. There is something relaxing about it.
I would, mostly because we've done it forever - In '62 or so, grade school science class, the teacher asked what we heated our homes with. Well, 90% of the class didn't know - A few said oil, one gas, and I said wood - The whole class laughed, they thought it was so 'old fashioned' Even the ones that didn't know thought it was funny - They might have been using Yak dung for all they knew, but, wood was old fashion. 40+ years later, I'm still behind the times I guess, and will be as long as I can pick up a saw! So, how about it, 25 cent oil, would you Stihl use wood?

I would. It seems like such a waste to let the dead stuff in our woods just rot. The same with tops after logging. Plus, I don't care what the price of oil goes to (we aint ever seeing cheap fuel again) it makes me feel like I'm getting away with something that a lot of other people can't do. And, I don't care how much money I might make in the future either. I'm still heating with wood!
Ignoring the geo-economic implications of $0.25/gal oil, hypothetically speaking, I would still burn wood. Not to make this political, but I love explaining to self righteous eco whack jobs how burning wood is extremely environmentally friendly. It's espcially funny at a haughty cocktail party, on one of those days you still smell like 2 cycle exhaust even after a long shower.
I beleive i would stil be burning wood . Nothing more effeicent warm you up 4 times cuttin, splittin,stacken,burnin . I also enjoy going out and cutting wood gets me in shape and nothing better than being self reliant.

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