And around here, Colorado Rockies area, back some 20 yr. ago there was a guy operating a one-man sawmill business, and he sold firewood on the side. He measured face cord as only 12" by 4 x 8. So did a couple fellows with a Forest Svc. deal to clear out some areas and sell the firewood. So there you go, another length. I don't know what Colorado uses legally as I neither buy nor sell firewood, just cut to heat our home. But a 12" face would only be one quarter of a cord. Make sure what you are buying, and tell the buyer what you will provide if they want a face. Until this string of posts, I didn't realize face cord was different in different places, though from what the preponderance of replies is, I'd bet that 12" is too short.
Once a friend bought a cord of wood from a guy who was apparently cutting enough [anywhere he could sneak in and get it] to make enough money to buy gas to move on down the road. He delivered the cord in a small Datsun truck, one load, dumped it in the driveway. I told my friend, no way he gave you a cord, not jumbled up messily in a tiny truck. He said, sure he did, why would he cheat me. I said, I'll help you stack it, won't take long as it cannot be a cord. It was about half, he made the guy bring more.
Once a friend bought a cord of wood from a guy who was apparently cutting enough [anywhere he could sneak in and get it] to make enough money to buy gas to move on down the road. He delivered the cord in a small Datsun truck, one load, dumped it in the driveway. I told my friend, no way he gave you a cord, not jumbled up messily in a tiny truck. He said, sure he did, why would he cheat me. I said, I'll help you stack it, won't take long as it cannot be a cord. It was about half, he made the guy bring more.
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