I put in an insert into our split entry 2200 sqft house in the basement. The thing heats our whole house. I have to make sure the blowers stay clean to move air upstairs but it is nice. We had the 1970s bult in blower vents (heatalators??) in the fireplace. I was told theyare 10% efficient. New inserts=70% efficinet. I can heat our house in MT on pine with 4-5 chords now. Thinkabout size of box. Out here we can only get pine so larger box = longer burn at night so I spent more on a larger box without a ash pan. My experience is that if they say say a 18 hr burn, cut it in half unless you use ash or oak on a smoldering setting. If you plan to suppliment don't worry about size as much. If you plan to heat...worry about size of box. Maybe your fireplace cant do a larger box anyway.
I put in an insert into our split entry 2200 sqft house in the basement. The thing heats our whole house. I have to make sure the blowers stay clean to move air upstairs but it is nice. We had the 1970s bult in blower vents (heatalators??) in the fireplace. I was told theyare 10% efficient. New inserts=70% efficinet. I can heat our house in MT on pine with 4-5 chords now. Thinkabout size of box. Out here we can only get pine so larger box = longer burn at night so I spent more on a larger box without a ash pan. My experience is that if they say say a 18 hr burn, cut it in half unless you use ash or oak on a smoldering setting. If you plan to suppliment don't worry about size as much. If you plan to heat...worry about size of box. Maybe your fireplace cant do a larger box anyway.