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I will getting my Woodmaster 4400 install completed tomorrow and was wondering does everyone that uses the plate or side arm, does your water go into the exchanger in the furnace first then heat up the domestic hot water on the way back to the OWB? Would this elminate the need for a anti-scald valve since the water would have lost some of it's heat, or would it loose to much heat to heat the domestic hot water?

A typical installation goes to hot water first then to the furnace.

When I got mine the dealer told me to go to the furnace first and then to the plate exchanger. But I went to the water heater first and then to the furnace because I thought I may run out of hot water. If I was to do it over I would go to the furnace first because this may keep you from adding a tempering valve.
OH, and has anyone seen the anti scald mixing valve thingamajiggies that can be added under a sink as mentioned back on page one?
Like oldbanjo I have the plate and tube both, only because I had the tube first and it couldnt keep up. Anyway, all plates are not equal, looks like you have the same German made plate that I have, the one that Woodmaster sells. I see you were informed (or lucky) what the orange dot means (boiler side). My dealer didnt say squat. I can tell you one thing, with my OWB set 160-170 the water from mine would be dangerously hot if I didnt have the tempering valve. Realize that my water heater is kept very close to circulator temp by the side arm so there is no dillution effect from the water in the water heater. Please be carefull with kids and strangers in the house if you dont install one, Im tel'en ya, the water is going to be HOT!.
Thanks Butch, I'll get to working on one. I would hate to have something happen to one of the little ones. To risky not to do it.