insurance Cost?

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Now lets see--
Is it the fact that I have made my living for the past 27 years as a practising arborist without a significant accident, or is it the fact that I have done so without paying outrageous insurance premiums all these years that make me a "hack"? I may be many things:cheap, selfish,lazy.You know -- the universal shortcomings of the ordinary man. But a hack? Oh pleeeease!
As I 've said before , I'm not advising anyone to give up their insurance-- I'm just saying what has worked for me. Sorry if I've offended you but it's like general George Patton said (at least in the movie):"I take calculated risks--- that is quite different from being rash".
By the way, went by my insurance company today and picked up a copy of my homeowners policy to see the particulars of what is covered and what is not covered and WOW what an eye- opener. I spent almost two hours trying to decipher the thing and still am foggy about whats what. Man, if you used to sell insurance my read is that you had a good thing going.With all the exclusions and caveats its a real hall of mirrors. Heck now I'm thinking of dumping my homeowners. It's no wonder I've never seen or heard of a 'down and out' insurance guy.
Go ahead guys--try actually reading your policy. It's better mental exercise than a crossword puzzle.

Newfie said:
And I sold it for 4 years, but "old dude" has all the answers. Not much you can tell a person that has a conscience that will allow the onus to be placed on the client for his own risk and potential mistakes.

I wonder what would happen if "old dude" did have an accident? He says he would pay the clients deductible. Would he compensate the client for their time and effort to file the claim and the time involved in processing it? Will he be willing to compensate the client for the increase in their insurance rates and for how many years? How about the time involved in finding another carrier after being cancelled? I wonder if he would pony up the cash after the client's insurer refuses to pay the claim because they hired an uninsured hack?
old dude said:
Now lets see--
Is it the fact that I have made my living for the past 27 years as a practising arborist without a significant accident, or is it the fact that I have done so without paying outrageous insurance premiums all these years that make me a "hack"? I may be many things:cheap, selfish,lazy.You know -- the universal shortcomings of the ordinary man. But a hack? Oh pleeeease!

You may be an excellent arborist. But as a business person (and you are whether you like it or not), operating uninsured makes you unprofessional at best.

As for the rest of your blather, come back when you even have a clue as to what you are talking about. It always amazed me that all most care about is the dollar figure. 99% of them never actually cared what was or wasn't covered. Blame your ignorance and indifference on someone else too. :rolleyes:
insurace adjustment

Hey guys--
I am swayed---I see the light! Check out recent posts in the forum titled insurance joke. Tree Machine has a lead even I can live with. Am calling his guy today. Will let you all know what comes of it.
Apologies for ruffling some feathers.
:blob2: Hip hip Hooray :blob2:

We have converted the old dude ..... who said you can't teach'm new tricks?
workman's comp

was 18.2% last year 2004, but is now 16.2% because of reduction in industry claims

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