Humour aside, it is definately good for business to raise standards in work skills, safety and ethics.
I do not consider myself a "greenie" by any stretch but I am savvy enough to figure that repeat correct pruning of a tree will nett me more long term income than removal. Furthermore, h/o's are nowhere near as stupid as some tree workers seem to believe. I take the time to explain why correct pruning is the right way to go and if they need convincing show them the section of AS 4373 which refers to bad practices and lists "lopping" and "topping".
Safety is amazingly easy to sell and boy does it pay well. Having one of my crew escort pedestrians around the chipper gained me a client who has since referred me twice for a nice $3500 to date. We scored another job because the neighbour saw us and another crew on the same day and asked why my guys all had helmets on. Of course, thats just the money. How could I sleep if I cut corners on safety and then had to tell some poor women that her man is in the hospital or in the morgue?
Business ethics ties all of the above together. There is a law in action that dictates quite simply that you get back what you give out. Do poor work, work unsafely, cheat employees or clients or any one of a dozen bad things and it comes back to you. You dont have to like it or even believe it but, just like gravity, it applies to each and everyone of us.
Everyone has and is entitled to their own opinion, but if you can do a better job, be safer for it, be better paid for it, sleep better because of it, leave the planet better for your kids than your parents left it for you, then why not do a better job. Your call.