A friend of mine just sold his crane, it was like a 20 ton ? isn't it funny how quickly we forget, i spent alot of time on that ball and cant remember if it was a JLG or what. anyway, it was mounted on a mack (300 series? i dont know much about trucks)the whole thing was around 10 years old, but a nice looking rig. bill had it all painted bright red with white lettering. My 2 cents would be that owning a crane is a full time job all on its own. bill was always working on something, little stuff, the hook gate would break or some boards on the deck needed replacing, a cylinder was leaking, a fuse kept blowing, and the eternal chore of keeping it clean. We made some good money with it, but as you stated everyone is getting a crane, so everyone is chasing the same apples. With the competition as brisk as it was and all the extra expense a crane entails i.e. you'll want a big chipper and chipbox, now you need better drivers, plus you have to drive the crane around, you need a real steady climber, whats it going to do to your liability? maybe another ground guy. it all adds up.
Then you finally get the big job, 14 large pines around a nice house, a good client of yours, $8750.00 because they are friends, hell yeah. then one day you drive by and some old farmer with a pos timberjack and a 1982 woodchuck is doing your job! ????it. so you go and talk to your clients and it turns out they are real sorry and all but he was $7000.00 below your price
Cranes are great fun, i really enjoy my crane days, plus you look way cool driving around, but that is not reason enough for me to consider a $75,000 purchase. So far it has been enough to rent one when i need it, i don't see that changing.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do