Tree Crew with Almost No Safety Gear

Arborist Forum

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The guy on the crane has a helmet, but the people the trees could fall on do not. That's kind of weird. I was nervous 150 feet away from that crane.

It's hard for me to believe anyone would run a chainsaw every day with no ear protection.

The crane guy is cutting the trees in one cut. They limb the tree, and then he takes the trunk down in sections. When he cuts a section, he just cuts with one hand and pushes with another. When it falls, the side away from him splits off, and the log swings from it until the split part breaks. I would do a cut on the far side first to prevent that from happening.
Oh, so I called the bucket machine a crane earlier. They had a bucket doodad on a trailer, and they also had an enormous crane. I think that on day two, they had a second bucket machine that was bigger than the trailer machine, but I would have to go back through my pictures to see if I caught it.

They didn't use the same machinery both days because their big crane needed a part, and the people they ordered it from sent them the wrong thing. The really big crane didn't show up until the second day.