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ISA logos will be on the truck soon, just waiting for them to show up.
That's some funny $hit,,,,putting that out on card and the like w/ a blatant misspell , I didn't even notice it at first glance however...
What's up w/ the dependable work by firemen? Do you live a double life, Tree whacker by day , firemen by night? What is this all about?
now my friend i live in the uk and dont intend setting up a service in the states,if you dont set up a service over hear ill let you use
my copy writed 3 tree image which you can see on my website
not being a big head but lots of people have comented on how good my 3 tree graphics look
its up to you if you would like them,,just leave the county s**t out ,this image is easy copied by a good graphics company
Good site and I couldn't help but get a chuckle out of this line:

we do not use lots of technical jargon only understood by arboriculturalists

why not call them tree dudes???
Paul, what program is your doc file in? My computer is trying to open it in MSWord 6.0 and keeps showing an unreadable font.
Stump- MSWord 2002.. fonts are Garamond, Arial and Times new roman. nothing terribly uncommon.
Originally posted by murphy4trees
Good site and I couldn't help but get a chuckle out of this line:

we do not use lots of technical jargon only understood by arboriculturalists

why not call them tree dudes???

is there actualy a word arboriculturalist????lol..... may be i will change that part:D