I don't think there was a top handle S10 made, maybe someone can find a flyer or an add of one. You can make one very easily though. All the parts interchange. You could make a rear handled 08S, but it would not be a true 08S. I have seen several mixed up saws. I think that Brads is an 08S with an S10 clutch cover or an S10 with an 08S top handle put on. The S10 back handles all sell very fast, they broke all the time, being flimsy plastic, like the Husky L65's back handle. So I can see someone fitting there saw with an 08S handle to replace their broken S10 handle, or maybe they just wanted to convert it. I have turned several 08S also into TS350 cut off saws, which sell better, all the parts pretty much can interchange.
Yes, I have seen plenty of converted S10 to top handle saws but can`t find any documentation that there was ever a top handle model offered from the factory. Parts interchangability makes them easy to make into other looking models but they were not true Stihl offerings.