Is anybody else having a problem with Gypsy Moths this year?

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I found a DNR moth trap just down the road from house. Can't say I've seen much evidence of em round here myself but it's hard to tell with the oak wilt, dutch elm, ash borer, pine beetle, and asian long horn all working at the same time.

Purple triangular trap is emerald ash borer. Gypsy moths were bad here last year along Columbia, lycoming, Sullivan border but this year are nil. They all moved east, go ride from Mainville east into nj along 80 and you'll see a ton of damage.

The state has sprayed hot spots and offer spraying at their rate, but it must be done timely in a certain stage or ineffective, I had my place and neighbors done for some $$$ it is not cheap.

Not an exact dollar amount but if say 100,000 acres need sprayed it's not a millions dollars, more like 5 million or better to spray. Not exactly cheap. This way they come in and salvage cut and generate new growth so we appease the deer hunters, and just think of all the firewood you'll get out of it.
Purple triangular trap is emerald ash borer. Gypsy moths were bad here last year along Columbia, lycoming, Sullivan border but this year are nil. They all moved east, go ride from Mainville east into nj along 80 and you'll see a ton of damage.

The state has sprayed hot spots and offer spraying at their rate, but it must be done timely in a certain stage or ineffective, I had my place and neighbors done for some $$$ it is not cheap.

Not an exact dollar amount but if say 100,000 acres need sprayed it's not a millions dollars, more like 5 million or better to spray. Not exactly cheap. This way they come in and salvage cut and generate new growth so we appease the deer hunters, and just think of all the firewood you'll get out of it.

This is a tan triangular box mounted horizontal that say "Gypsy Moth Survey" on the side. We've got some of the purple EAB traps around as well....
I found a DNR moth trap just down the road from house. Can't say I've seen much evidence of em round here myself but it's hard to tell with the oak wilt, dutch elm, ash borer, pine beetle, and asian long horn all working at the same time.

It looks like a Biblical plague out our way. The moths are everyplace you look . Any ideas how to get rid of them? I fear what is coming next spring.