I had never heard of a Lewis winch before this thread. I watched the videos and can see how useful having one around would be. Then I think about how I have handled similar situations in the past. I keep 150ft of 3/8 wire rope and a couple of snatch blocks hanging inside my shop. If I have a log or somethng I need pulled closer to the truck, I just rig up the cable and hook to the trailer hitch of my truck and pull the log to the road. I have done this to drop leaning trees that where about to fall on my house, drag logs across a creek up into the road, Pull stuck trucks and tractors out of bogs. I can probably think of many uses that I could use the Lewis winch for, but have managed to do them without the winch for years. I am just having a hard time justifying a $800+ purchase for something that might make life easier, but so far I havent found a necessity. Of course after writing all this, I do have a opportunity to scavage some fire wood off a 20acre logging tract and after looking at the wood yesterday, I can see how the Lewis winch would be a big help getting some of the wood that is laying way down the side of the bluff. could I do the job with my truck and cable, or maybe a small farm tractor and the cable, pretty sure I could, but do i want to?? Sure would like to demo the lewis winch on this job just to see if I would like it.