Glens, what part of the article about the 026 compelled you to label it as "good"? Was it because you enjoyed reading it or was it the apparent lack of bias or hypocrisy as illustrated by the following statements made by the author in this article? "I'm surprised by the fact that so few enthusiast realize that the trails are not self maintaining."," I was recently offered, ok coerced and threatened, into becoming one of those volunteers for a weekend of trail maintenance." Or was it his impressive credentials as an operator of chainsaws such as this statement, "I`ve never used a chainsaw before" or this one, "learn how to use it, and write the review. This was a leap since this is the first item I've ever tested that I didn't ride or put on something that I did ride.". All very good reading, LOL. I think the more likely statement that compelled you label this parp as good is this one,"I hope you enjoy the review because once you recognize the key features and understand some of the engineering that has been poured in the Stihl product line, you'll understand why it is recognized as the best chainsaw on the market. " Here`s another statement packed with info if you can read deeper than the very surface,"...the club will have a chainsaw to help...". Hmmm. wonder where they got the saw from?
This guy raves on and on about the alledged superiority of the Stihl line as if the 026 were representative of every product they make, and as if he knows that no other manufacturer has similar or even better quality levels or more innovative features. I wonder if he has discovered yet that the Intellicarb that he crows about a couple of times in this article is not on his saw? As someone who has operated a chainsaw twice, this article has me ROTFLMAO, but it is exactly what I expect from people who are obsessed with owning a Stihl because Stihl has the best marketing and brand recognition. I suppose that in a way I can understand why many chainsaw nimrods flock to Stihl. Either they are too lazy or incapable of learning what`s best and what`s not and are willing to let their local Stihl dealer tell them. All I can say to that is that these are not our father`s Stihls.
Well Glens, I`ve caught my breath and wiped the tears from my eyes after that laugh so now I`m wondering if you could come up with something even funnier, like an article extolling the virtues of owning an 029?
Russ The clear voice of reason