Is this a good deal or a mistake

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I decided not to give up on this saw as I had high hopes of getting it to run again

so far I have done the following

new HT lead
new tank vent (this was cause of leak it wasn't there)
dodgied up exhaust gasket from a homelite weed whacker (make shift until the proper one arrives)
two new AntiVibration mounts
one new fuel line

waiting on
piston ring and exhaust and cylinder gaskets

after what I had done so far I decided to reassemble the saw with the wife looking on boasting "IT WON"T WORK THE SAW IS KAPUT" three pulls of the cord with the choke on it fired one pull with choke off and throttle locked to fast run and it roared into life well the wifes jaw hit the ground

this is my first repair on a small engine and I was glad to see it run now I am just waiting on the piston ring and gaskets :cool:
Next question

I just found gasoline in the crankcase would this be due to the fact the ring is worn out? or is this an indicator of another problem. I took off the cylinder head so i have got it ready to put the new ring onto the piston
oldsaw-addict said:
You have learned well. glad to hear you've got it semi operational.

Thanks for the compliment OSA I still have much more to learn but the way I see it is if there is nothing left over once the saw is together and it actually runs then I have done something right. but in all reality I place all screws etc with the parts that they came from so I know exactly where eveything should be I am very fussy like that
It's good to hear that someone else having some successes, especially after getting a saw that is in worse shape than the seller said it was.

I hope things keep moving in a positive direction for. I always hate hearing about the crappy things that happen. It's good to hear about the success stories once in a while.
Got the piston ring and gasket kit today but had to return the ring as the one they gave me was too big I have a 44mm bore and they gave me a ring that was approximately 1/16 oversized so I took the cylinder head and ring in hoping they could match up a ring for it but now I have to wait another day for the ring to come up from the husky importers so I can put my saw back together. there is further repair needed that i only found out about when I showed the the guy who services my dolmar as he wanted to see the husky and the first thing he said was it has been run very lean and there was scouring on the bore and piston (I had never seen scouring before so I now know what it is) so at some stage I will have to get a piston kit and cylinder head to replace the scoured ones I may even try to look for a good second hand cylinder head to put on it as those suckers are expensive.
Ross, you probably know this, but a seller on eBayware has recently been listing quite a few P&C sets for a variety of Husky saws. I believe that they are GB brand (aftermarket, not OME), & I don't know know if they've listed one for your saw. And of course the US/NZ shipping thing comes into play. Hope this helps!

Aw ra best..Chris J.
Ok the new piston ring is in and I had the saw running today but ended up taking it to the guy I deal with for the dolmar for a proper tune as it was running rather lean, the saw now has some compression but I have been told it could be better so I am guessing that a replacement cylinder is needed, I priced up a cylinder and piston kit and was quoted $500+ new zealand dollars for new cylinder and piston kit so I would rather find a second hand cylinder head that has been well looked after and some life left in it. Also the model is the 1989 husky 50 (300 year anniversary model) so if anyone here has a spare cylinder head for this model saw they are prepared to part with I would like to hear from you. I couldn't find any listings on ebay for it.