Is this a trend? Customer issues

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ArboristSite Operative
Feb 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hi there all, finally winding down from a long, long summer.

I was just wondering if everyone else out there has been dealing with the same issues with their customers. Really I want to see if there is a trend starting in the tree care industry.

Our company has been doing business for many years and this summer I have found a large quantity of customers be extremely picky. I.E. not paying thier bills because of issues or concerns about the work completed. I have had at least 2 customers a day raising concerns about work not being completed to their liking. I mean these are people at the job and now they want more for their money. I know the economy is tightening around us but our experience is that the tree "care" that we do is more of a luxury service. Let me know your thoughts I have to go run down some more customers.....

Themadd1 :bang: :bang: :bang:
It sounds like something has changed with your business. I agree with the other poster. Have you been personally working the jobs that are getting complaints?
What part of OH are you in? I think it depends on the area. I personally have not had that problem. The company I am working for now tends to stick to the high end clientele, which in general (not always) pays PDQ.

I have bid on jobs in the past where the people want a little more for nothing, or once on the job, they keep trying to one-more-thing you to death. I stay away from them and the cheapskates, that usually alleviates your aforementioned problem.

Perhaps if they are a repeat customer, they now feel they "know" you or are more comfortable and may feel entitled to some special treatment since they have given you business in the past. Save the butt kissing for the people that pay the big bucks.
I havent been on the job site for years. I have had the same foreman running the jobs for at least three years. I dont think it is the crew messing things up because I have been selling the jobs and then going back after work has been performed to make sure work is completed to spec. We have been working in a few new areas this year and it is a poorer section of town. I think it really comes down to property value. Our regular customer's have been our bread and butter for almost 27 years so I dont think this is the issue.

Our training program is in need of an overhaul for sure and maybe my foreman is just getting sloppy with the clients.