In my experience, the only way to use locust for fence posts is to cut it when the sap is down, put it in the ground, put fence up. Staples drive easily. Laying for 4+ years, it becomes concrete and destroys chains.
The only wood harder around here is hedge apple. It destroys chains when it's green.jmho OT
I have cut tons of black locusst - currently have around 60 cord in my stash. I much prefer to cut green but it does not "destroy chains" dry. Sharpen more often? yes. I have seen sparks coming out of the cut on dry locust whencutting in low light conditions.
It definitely doesn't rot. The first BL I laid a chain on was in my basement. 6x6 post that had been set in the ground (wet all the time) with concrete floor poured around it. House dates back to probably the 20's and I cut it in early 1980's. No sign of rot at all.