OK, Dr. P., how do you handle an aspen like that?
Don't go very high without a remote secondary TIP plus support for the tree itself period.
Not sure why that is not engraved into your everyday thinking. I am really not. It is now. Hope I helped. Listen:
In my book the Poplar family is listed as high alert for this matter of stem failure. I'm not joking, it really is, I have it right here, the book, I am looking at where I have always looked and pondered this specific family ever since the day I saw one and had to deal with it I can't remember how many years ago, I was still a kid, that I remember. coming from my perspective I would think that before you ( or anybody) got to the point of blowing out the stem of a poplar tree that some where along the line you ( or anybody) would have learned that is what happens when you try to **** with a poplar tree.
What? Did you just happen to come across a tree you never knew or saw and it just happened to be the one kind of tree that you just DON'T climb up there with so you really have no clue that the stem was going to snap whatsoever?
I'm really surprised. And sorry to be the one to tell you.
No ****! And I can't believe no one said it! I have to be the bad guy? WTF!
My main concern, not to berate but really get an understanding of how it is that you don't know and help spread the word to others. Really, I would have stopped you man. I would have just told you if I had been there and seen you what you were thinking of doing.