Well, it's morning time here, Marine! And I just finished my PT and coffee, so life is good.
I was around and in the middle of it when it went from Idiot to Artistic savant for common usage.Being a savant means you are extremely adept in one particular area, but MAY lack knowledge or experience in other areas. Idiot savant is more widely known and more commonly referred too, which infers a mental handicap although the individual is extremely skilled in a specific field or ability.
I’m not calling anyone mentally defective, I was simply in awe of the impressive knowledge displayed here.
Well, now that I have gone ahead and stepped on my own crank with golf shoes on, how’s everyone doing tonight?
We did PT in reverse one time to screw with the young LT.......Well, it's morning time here, Marine! And I just finished my PT and coffee, so life is good.
We did PT in reverse one time to screw with the young LT.......
Done in OCS.......the one Calley went thru. Used to run by his house when he was on house arrest. New 240Z in the driveway.Hey, I was that young LT once! At least I was an OCS grad, so I wasn't brand new to the military. I knew better than to go ask the supply sergeant for a box of grid squares or a can of squelch. And I wasn't going to ask my platoon sergeant for a PRC-E7 ("Prick E7"), either...
If you are on any AB groups you may know my brother. Course he spent most time at Bragg.....goes to AB GTGs...I'm quite familiar with Calley and Ft Benning -- did 3 tours there. I've jumped out of quite a few perfectly good airplanes, too - C130, 141, C17, Twin Otter, Casa 212, etc. Have about 30 jumps but never went to Jumpmaster school. I'm creeping up on 50, so my jumping days are probably over.
I was Chairborne!!!!!Ahh, the PRC-E5 (and all variants) such an easily found item when properly asked for. The ‘yard of flightline’, ‘Calibration request form for the 2LT series compass’, ‘Keys for the HMMWV’, ‘M1A1 BFA’......... so much fun was had.
Damn, there is a lot of ‘Hooahs’ around here. Looks like I got here just in time, got to keep this place on an even keel.
Well, it's morning time here, Marine! And I just finished my PT and coffee, so life is good.
Hey, I was that young LT once! At least I was an OCS grad, so I wasn't brand new to the military. I knew better than to go ask the supply sergeant for a box of grid squares or a can of squelch. And I wasn't going to ask my platoon sergeant for a PRC-E7 ("Prick E7"), either...
I worried about the ones that didn’t give each other ribbing.Chairborne, huh? Is it hard to land when some sand gets caught in the office chair wheels? Is there a “Hot Brake” SOP for those chairs? Do the K9s pull you with their leash or do they get a chair of their own?
I truly enjoy inter-service rivalry; its healthy, fun and pure enjoyment for all involved. From my experience the only people who get butt hurt about it are the ones who didn’t do **** the entire time they were in.
Ok, getting back on topic here. I bought a bunch of Jonsereds hardware - NOS stuff. I probably have 60 packets/packages of bolts, nuts, screws, clips, etc.
I know some of it is for a weed whacker, but some should work for saws, too.
What I'm trying to figure out are the part numbers. Most of it has a prefix of 505, 530, 720, 735, and 740. Does that help identify the application at all? Just trying to separate the wheat from the chaff here.
Would this be to replace the worn piston in that one runner, or revive the dump 111S? If so, where in the world would you find a replacement con rod, after you had the jug replated?
Wow Scott....you're a magnet for obsure, NLA parts! Where in the world did you find that box of parts?? You hit 111S nirvana fer sure....lol.
There is an AS member with a 111S crank want in his sig. He comes in here every now and then....hopefully he'll see this. If not, I can troll back though the old posts and find him.
Found him! Zero_sum is his AS screen name. Don't know the dude other than he's posted in here. He's got the crank want in his sig along with a gasket want for the 111S.
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