Tree Freak
I have a Jonsered 621, It suppositly ran before it was stored for some legnth of time I do not know...
The deal is If I can get it working then It's mine.
It would start, and run for a second or two before turning off, I cleaned it, and took the top off the carberator, sprayed carb cleaner in it. I really don't know much about fixing saws, but i cleaned the carberator, and made sure all the hoses were not gunked up, the fuel filter was covered in oil, I'm soaking that in some degreeser, and was hopeing to get the saw to start withount the little cover.
I got a new sparkplug, and it has spark, I'm not sure if it is getting gas in the cylinders or not, I tried starting fluid, and adding a little gas in the sparkplug hole, but hasn't really worked.
The air filter is allmost pristine, and The filter at the muffler is relitivly clean, although I did not remove all the carbon deposits.
My dad said it could have a problem with compression, but it does feel like it's working when I pull it over.
If this is,or isn't the correct place to post I would appreaciate being told.
You probably have to take the carb apart completely and clean it, and also check to make sure the diaphragm hasn't stiffened up.
Before you do that, pour a bit of fresh mixed fuel into your fuel tank and slosh it around, then pour it out. If there was oil in the fuel tank you want to get it out of there. Do this before you change your filter to clean out any contaminants.
You can buy a new fuel filter from your local saw shop, or you can order <a href="http://www.baileysonline.com/itemdetail.asp?item=125+532&catID=102">this one from Bailey's</a>. If you want to get this saw going quick, then get one from your local shop. Soaking your current fuel filter in degreaser likely will not get it clean enough for you to use it again.
Next, quit using starting fluid in your saw! These saws run on a mixed fuel and they need the oil to protect the internal components from getting scored. If you want to try and pour fuel into the spark plug hole, then pour a tablespoon or so of fresh mixed fuel into the spark plug hole.
If your saw will not start, then go ahead and strip that carb down and put a carb kit in it. Bailey's has those as well.
I think that's everything for now, but the Jonsereds gurus will add whatever I have missed.
Good luck, Welcome to AS, and let us know how it goes. Keep posting in this thread and we will help you get that saw running.