Jonsereds 52E problem

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New Member
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Having an ignition issue with a 52E. When cold, this little saw runs like it's brand new. But when it gets warmed up and hot, about 1 min or so while working it, it kills and it will not start until it cools down. I checked the spark, it's good when it's cold, but non existant when hot. Em I looking at a coil issue or a module under the flywheel issue.

Places to find these parts would be great full as well. Please Email me using the Email in my profile. I check that more often then I do check forums.

BTW, if it wasn't for this site, I am not too sure if I would have ever found out what kind of saw it was.


Yes, this could be ignition problem.
Have you changed spark plug recently?
Get a new sparkplug and as it fail to run you put thst one on and leaving the old one in the hole, you will see.

It is not uncommon on these.

If you want parts for it you can ask George Blake, he is Motorsag on this site.

I am sure he has it.

Are you sure it is a 52E, if not post a pic of it showing the rear handle/starter.
George Blake, [email protected]

Be sure to ask him about an IPL if you don't have one. I'll send an email, but I'm also responding in the forum so that others might also benefit from the information.

Aw ra best...Chris J.
Thanks guys, and yes, I got your Email. Thanks. I will check into it.

And yes, I do know for sure that it's a 52E. All the other descriptions from other posts tell me that it is. Even the pictures on another post look identical to the one that I have.

Yes, it is a new spark plug. But of course, it doesn't mean it's a good one. For only a couple bucks, I guess it doesn't hurt that it would be a good idea to try another one.

Thanks for the replies...

BTW, is there an easy way to check the coil to see if it is the primary or secondary coil with an ohm meter? And does someone know what the ohms should be?

I do have part numbers for the main coil. But not the modual.
Well, I got the secondary coil checked out. It was good. So off I went to find a modual. I found someone that had one, but too bad it was bad too. Good thing it was an honest guy that gave me my money back.

Anyone know where I could even start looking for one? The owner is just thinking about giving the saw to jonsereds for a newer one and getting some money off a new one. But I would hate to lose this good saw. All because of the modual. How stupid.