Just call me Daddy Dove---

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congrats on your success. If I were you, I'd build them a dove house on a post that cats can't climb. Provide food and water for a while so they hang around, and leave them free to come and go. You'll probably find they keep returning to base every day. A job I work on is nextdoor to a family who have done this. They now have more doves than they started off with as there has been plenty of breeding activity going on, and the doves just hang out there - free to do what they want with there dove house on a pole. Been there for years now.
So long, doves!

I just got back from the Wildlife Rescue place, about three miles from my house. I dropped off my guys, said "Good-bye," and drove back home. Now I'm gonna have a few beers and keep telling myself that I definitely did the right thing. The place is very cool, a real forest, where the rescued birds are desocialized from humans and then released. If my guys find their way back here, the only way I'll know is if they fly down and sit on my hand, like they were doing, since I have about twenty doves in my back yard.