Nothing I've done in these forums cannot be explained to the T about how it is completely logical, although very often I have people drinking or smoking stuff then trying to read my posts, and they miss the points of my posts completely. Then they feel it's good to completely distort my well intended messages, and slap me in the face with replies that absolutely suggest the replier did not read my posts all the way through. "Oh really?"
The job where I suggested tie the trees together could have happened that way. If I was paying you to do it, you could have completed it that way. No one asked how I would prevent the risk of failure there, but I would have used a ten inch diameter pipe of very heavy gauge steel applied to the cups one on each end. The cups would have been bolted or large spikes would have been used to fix the pipe holding cups up. The trees would not have been able to fall in on each other, and could not have falling apart from each other. The technical details can be blue printed out from here, but just because the trees are big and you've never heard of using alternate plans doesn't mean that you could not pull it off if you were being paid too. I stand by my ideas for that job, and neither side of the argument weighs much beings that the job was not completed using my method for removal, so there is no proof my plan's inadequacies.