Just Starting Out - How am I most likely to hurt myself?

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... so yeah, if a chipper is involved, it say its the most dangerous part of 99% of all tree work...

I think you will find that "struck by falling..." is the most common source of worker's comp claims, at least with respect to tree workers. I think chainsaw injuries are a close second. Falling out of trees & aerial buckets is less common, but chipper injuries are quite rare.
Being in need of $, becoming desperate, taking a risk you don’t realize the danger of, and then it not going the way you wanted it to.

That's why we have a "report" feature. All you accomplished was to double their advertising exposure.

You don't really think they return to read that post or it's effects, do you?
I'm aware how advertising works, been advertising my own business for years

They didn't get any advertising exposure from my reply, and when I report stuff nobody does anything so I quit wasting my time with it, speaking of, I wonder if arbor1 ever sent that kid a refund for the money they stole from him?
He's still a member I think, just under a different ID. You were closer to that situation than I ever was, so perhaps you know better.

Reports do work. It is just that management likes to keep any moderation very low key. They distinctly don't like any changes or deletions to become an open discussion.
He's still a member I think, just under a different ID.
nope, he deleted his account here a while back because of the stupidity
Reports do work. It is just that management likes to keep any moderation very low key. They distinctly don't like any changes or deletions to become an open discussion.
the one and only time I remember a report doing anything was after I had to hassle arbor1 about a dude stalking me, I was told there was nothing they could do, which turned out to be a lie after I had to threaten to get the police involved

the kid that got stolen from ended up with MULTIPLE charges to his bank account for a membership to this place, AFTER he deleted his account, he had to dispute the charges with his bank and get his money back that way, also he still hasn't received the stickers that are part of the membership, both me and him have gone to arbor1 repeatedly and NOTHING has been done about it

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