Kenner brings up a good question

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ArboristSite Operative
Jun 15, 2006
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in the equipment forum, i'm talking about buying an old chipper simply as a backup because it's priced right. Kenner says why not pay the employees better because it would end up making me more money than a back up chipper.


there's been times i've given raises. same productivity resulted.
there's been times i've experimented and started the workers out at 25% higher wages. still no difference in productivity.
i personally don't think they are motivated by money otherwise these same employees would start their own tree biz. let's face it, with all the rental companies around, it doesn't take much to rent equipment and break into the business.

so back to the question. i feel they are not motivated by money. i've found they are simply motivated by working with their friends. if you hire one guy and his friends. they don't mind coming to work because they view it as getting paid to hang out with their buddies rather than not getting paid to hang out. i've even had them work overtime for free because they wanted to hang around with each other and socialize rather than go home.

and that's where my head is at.
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you`re the same guy who thought $375 a week was good pay for a climber who can multitask!!

#1- what are you payin your ground help?

production is not going to go up just because you give a raise, raises are based on more than production, production helps!!

EVERYONE is motivated by money, I am :bowdown: $$$$$

a backup chipper is a smart move if finances are no problem, good help & good pay are also something to keep in mind.

If your guys want paid to hang out(buddy system) Im confused as to what kinda operation your running, goooooooood luck!!

They are motivated by money not the chicken feed you pay
it would take a five hundred percent raise to get motivated on your
idea of paying a man.
you`re the same guy who thought $375 a week was good pay for a climber who can multitask!!

#1- what are you payin your ground help?

production is not going to go up just because you give a raise, raises are based on more than production, production helps!!

EVERYONE is motivated by money, I am :bowdown: $$$$$

a backup chipper is a smart move if finances are no problem, good help & good pay are also something to keep in mind.

If your guys want paid to hang out(buddy system) Im confused as to what kinda operation your running, goooooooood luck!!


Probably gets them strung
out on dope.
in the equipment forum, i'm talking about buying an old chipper simply as a backup because it's priced right. Kenner says why not pay the employees better because it would end up making me more money than a back up chipper.


there's been times i've given raises. same productivity resulted.
there's been times i've experimented and started the workers out at 25% higher wages. still no difference in productivity.
i personally don't think they are motivated by money otherwise these same employees would start their own tree biz. let's face it, with all the rental companies around, it doesn't take much to rent equipment and break into the business.

so back to the question. i feel they are not motivated by money. i've found they are simply motivated by working with their friends. if you hire one guy and his friends. they don't mind coming to work because they view it as getting paid to hang out with their buddies rather than not getting paid to hang out. i've even had them work overtime for free because they wanted to hang around with each other and socialize rather than go home.

and that's where my head is at.

I'd say that the problem is that you are not a leader. Or a trainer. Throwing money at a person may boost short term performance, but the idea that "I'm paying you more now, so you should be able to do more now" fits right in with most everything you've said here.

If you want to make a guy worth paying more, you've got to have knowledge and experience to pass along. You've told us before that you can teach everything a person needs to know in three days. Or maybe it was that you can teach everything you know in three days.....whatever. So I'm not surprised that you end up with unmotivated hangerouters, and complain about not being able to get them to work harder. Duh

Dang....still out of bullets for you.
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Money is a motivator, but not the chicken feed you pay your guys.

Money is but one of a few do you treat your guys, with respect of belittlement???

Do you offer a benefits package, vacation, etc.

Do you offer these guys training so they can move up and be more valuable in the future???

Bag the chipper and treat your guys said it yourself:

let's face it, with all the rental companies around, it doesn't take much to rent equipment and break into the business.

In my mind that means you can rent a chipper if your present one goes down!!!

Take your head out of your arse and pay your guys accordingly..............worry about another chipper if/when yours goes down!!!
in the equipment forum, i'm talking about buying an old chipper simply as a backup because it's priced right. Kenner says why not pay the employees better because it would end up making me more money than a back up chipper.


there's been times i've given raises. same productivity resulted.
there's been times i've experimented and started the workers out at 25% higher wages. still no difference in productivity.
i personally don't think they are motivated by money otherwise these same employees would start their own tree biz. let's face it, with all the rental companies around, it doesn't take much to rent equipment and break into the business.

so back to the question. i feel they are not motivated by money. i've found they are simply motivated by working with their friends. if you hire one guy and his friends. they don't mind coming to work because they view it as getting paid to hang out with their buddies rather than not getting paid to hang out. i've even had them work overtime for free because they wanted to hang around with each other and socialize rather than go home.

and that's where my head is at.

It all depends on the person. If you pay a deadbeat more, he's still a deadbeat. Get good employees and keep them. Give them incentives, treat them well and they will treat you well.