Same here, Harry. Thought I would revive this thread because I got a kindling cracker for a birthday present this week. I tried it out and yes, it does work provided you select dry logs with a straight grain and barkless. Kind of fun, actually, and no need to worry about fuel, electricity, or batteries. If there are knots on board the log, forget it. Stuck logs that don't break free are also not that easy to remove.I have used a splitter to make bunches of kindling for starting brush piles. Slab a chunk then stack the slabs and split the pile several times.
Harry K
Regardless, I can split down ordinary firewood logs two or three times using my hydraulic splitter and just about keep up with the New Zealand kindling cracker. I usually carry a couple of empty boxes to the hydraulic splitter and pack them. In an hour I will produce almost a month's supply.
And, my firewood customers are always happy when I bring them a batch along with their truckload. One gal threw in an extra $10, and I have to wonder if the box of dry kindling generated that.