This is of curse 3x Input - Friction. So, a krab rather than rope in redirect positions would give 20% less friction; but still be ~30% at 1st redirect? The accumulated friction effects from multiple redirect points in system would be a more geometric/multiplying than additive accumulation. If given choice i think redirect closest to input (dynamic redirect) should be most efficient position/pulley etc.
Pulleys have different efficiencies. The slip of bushing around axle not quite as efficient as bearings; but bearings more impact sensitive. Then the sheave to axle diameter ratio; gives leverage over the bushing or bearing frictions. In larger sheaves, the efficiency between bushing and bearings is expen$ive; as for just a few more percentage points of efficiency, the bearing pulley can be ~2+ times the cost of the less delicate bushing. But, in especially multi pulley systems with the accumulated multiplying frictions; people pay well for the bearings for lifting/pulling. If using Z-Rig for lowering/ extending jig to control load and not lifting/compressing jig; we want the frictions; as helping us (until they are hard on rope.
Tight bights of redirects of rope reeved thru self or krab; weaken rope by taking the inner part of the redirect bight out of pulling service. Cam grabs can damage ropes and are usually made more for bodyweight than load weights. Can also have a one way grab with a prussik on output end of a redirect point. Then can relax between pulls, and/or impact into them. But, if prussik (or checking cam) is placed at the dynamic redirect (not on anchor), the pull is 3x, but the hold of prussik is only 2x. Likewise prussik on static redirect of anchor in Zrig would only hold 1x. Especially if using cams for the hold; these points not bearing more than the 1/3rd of load that your hand pull takes, can be easily overlooked, and damaging. Also, the rig will stretch out more at the hold point; for each leg of line now bears more load; especially noticeable at full extension/ more line area to stretch more.
If we Zrig; with tail of load line as shown; the line 'below' dynamic/moving redirect that goes to static redirect on anchor; gets skinny from stretch from stretch of 1x effort, and more chance of slippage. A
Butterfly etc. instead does not 'worry' about this point. But, then no adjust-ability; only 1 pull length. Better is to piggy back a Butterfly bearing system onto a prussik etc. on load line; then the part of load line 'below' the prussik is relaxed and 'fat' so less chance of slippage.
The Z-rig gives 3x-Friction; with 2x pull on anchor(open 'circuit' gives different pulls on load, and anchor pivot). But can be
2Handed for 4x pull of 1 hand; but then 4x on anchor also (2Handing closes the 'circuit' of force flow and thereby makes the load and anchor pulls equivalent/ no opening in circuit to change loading between these 2 points in the closed circuit). But, the Frictions reductions to force potentials will be less with 2Handing than same force or force multiplier with non-2Handing methods; for less loss.
At finish of tightening Z; can anchor input away from dynamic redirect and sweat more purchase from it usually; to then be tripled by the system. If using as a tie down for transport, now all lines in Zrig are tight/ will resist bending; so can bend whole jig with perpendicular force; for really, really leveraged tightening.
i tell ya; i'm knot crazy!