That's about what they sell for. Some are almost given away if you show up and want one. One of my good friends collected nine of them last year for me to work on. I got most of them running, he paid me for the restoration, and then he sold them from there.Time to hit the estate sales maybe used saws for $10?
Nah, just interested in a couple parts. I've restored 2 EZs and a 17L. I even offered to buy just the parts to reduce shipping.If you have another one to make one saw? Kind of high. I’m seeing everyone selling thinks they got gold. Offer $50, then $75 then walk. It depends how bad you want it. Saws of that era need to be complete to give us advantage on fixing it,
Those who give up there guns to make plow shares will plow for those who didn’t.
$150 plus shipping for half a saw?!Offer rejected. Anyone else want to take a shot? Let me know if the price is reasonable. Maybe I'm missing something? Be sure to check all the photos.!26003!US!-1
When people have junk, that’s blatantly overpriced and it sits and sits you have to wonder the motive. If they are a business who makes $$$ to sell things for other people they do not make a dime until they MAKE THE SALE...holding onto junk for months and months and also having to store said junk isn’t a wise financial decision. Perhaps a front for a different “sort” of business.....She won’t budge on offers, she does estate sales. Lots of partner saws in vt. Figure them on being parts maybe. Funny I find the other listed running partner saws over priced. For what there asking I can buy two husky saws. Or one new one.
I wish I had more time and room I’d buy them all just for a challenge to see how many would run.
Garbage to one man, a treasure to another. How sought after by a collector are these?
$150 plus shipping for half a saw?!
Some of the prices are ridiculous. $149+ride for half of an old Homelite, maybe a 5-20?
So what was the original listed price on the Pioneers? I studied the photos and pointed out exactly which parts were missing as well as evidence that someone had been 'into' the saw in the past. The good parts I saw were worth what I offered and shipping always has to be factored into the price. I expected to at least get a counter offer. The saw has been relisted twice now. Maybe I'll ask if they want to make a counter offer.That's because the seller doesn't really know anything about chainsaws. I bought a Pioneer 700D and a 3071 from them, both for $40 each plus shipping.
They were both pretty rough but I got exactly what I expected. As long as you don't have high expectations of this seller, then everything will be good...
Good thought - it may be light enough now, but will have to tack weld the chain in place.Missing parts you can’t hand saw with it? Lol
Can’t handsaw with no rear handle? LolGood thought - it may be light enough now, but will have to tack weld the chain in place.
My wife definitely knows what I have. She balances the books and knows what I've spent in parts alone. When I see something I consider a great deal we go together to get it like just about anything else. If I go first she knows there is a small savings account in saws down in the basement.