Can't understand what is being said? Your English is not good or English is not your first or second language but you still want to know how to work on your chainsaws? Google to the rescue. Go to Google, and on Google's homepage, click "Language Tools". To translate enter the threads URL.
To translate text, type the text into the "Translate Text" box, click English to French (canadian) in the "From" box and then click "Translate" and your words are translated from one language to the other. Not that I need a lot of translation to understand the canadians.
This site is read worldwide and some of us chainsaw users have had trouble translating languages. With Google that problem is solved. So if you don't know Spanish, German or some other language like Russian or French (canadian) or English, Google can translate it for you.
Just to stay on subject, Yesterday, I let a guy cutting firewood use my DozerDan Dolmar 7900 to make a few cuts. From the look on his face, the saw still has the WOW factor.
To translate text, type the text into the "Translate Text" box, click English to French (canadian) in the "From" box and then click "Translate" and your words are translated from one language to the other. Not that I need a lot of translation to understand the canadians.
This site is read worldwide and some of us chainsaw users have had trouble translating languages. With Google that problem is solved. So if you don't know Spanish, German or some other language like Russian or French (canadian) or English, Google can translate it for you.
Just to stay on subject, Yesterday, I let a guy cutting firewood use my DozerDan Dolmar 7900 to make a few cuts. From the look on his face, the saw still has the WOW factor.