ArboristSite Member
I take it these photos are the culmination of a LOT of effort! Very impressive.After realizing I built up the wrong bp1, I now have built a model matching the January ipl. She breathed fire last night after some help from Parker Jameson. I was using a Sig-01 ignition chip and Parker suggested a Nova2 due to the polarity of the Flywheel magnets being not very consistent and the ability to just flip the wires on the nova chip.
I wanted to show off ,as we all do when we're proud of our accomplishments, and show some of the literature I have acquired since learning about these saws. That spec sheet is the absolute coolest things imo.
Also shown in the last picture is the bp1 I have rebuilt as stated matching the January of 62 ipl, beside it is the bp1 from Mark Garris that appears to match the October of 62 ipl, subtle differences in the 2 if you look closely. More pictures side by side will be shown once the October model is rebuilt in the coming weeks.
Yall have a good weekend its time for me to make wood chips
Really like the font of the embossed McCulloch on the sides!