and the moreso when the demoncraps are in power..........Like any government agency the EPA started out small with good intentions but ballooned into a corrupt overpaid branch that has no control and runs amuck with very little oversight .
and the moreso when the demoncraps are in power..........Like any government agency the EPA started out small with good intentions but ballooned into a corrupt overpaid branch that has no control and runs amuck with very little oversight .
You really should read the whole document before stating what it says.Examples of regulated entities
Manufacturers, owners and operators of wood heaters, pellet heaters/stoves, hydronic heaters, and masonry heaters... forced-air furnaces.
You're reading into it what you want to read... not what it says.
I'm not gonna' quote from the regulations again (I've done that in several other threads). "Sale" is defined as any transfer of ownership or control... no attached exclusions or exemptions. Any and all appliances (certified and manufactured before a certain date) meeting current 1988 regulations can be sold (by manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or privately) until the certification expires. After the certification expires, any "sale" (see definition) is forbidden. All you've pointed out is the definition of a "commercial owner" and that the regulation requiring an owner's manual (by commercial owners of appliances manufactured after a certain date) does not apply to private "sale" (see definition). What that means is, if you buy an appliance meeting the new regulations when they become affective, you are not required to supply an owner's manual to transfer control privately. None of that says you, as a private citizen, can transfer control of an older appliance after the certification expires (or, in some cases, a certain time period, depending on when the certification was done).
Let me ask you... do the 1988 regulations require owner's manuals?? Hmmmmm......??
See... the "owner's manual" is part of the "new" regulations... it has nothing to do with the "old" regulations, or the older appliances.
But bury your head in the sand and believe whatever you like.
I agree, although you can get some useful heat out of some fireplaces if you know how to use them. Still, as one who identifies as an environmentalist I think a lot of this is wrong-headed. No matter what you do to the stoves/appliances, wood burning will never be appropriate everywhere or for everyone. Heck, I can make my clean burning stoves pump out huge amounts of smoke if I'm boneheaded about it.Very interesting omission IMHO is the total silence about fireplaces. I've seen some test results indicating emission rates around 40 times those of EPA stoves. There are many around me who feed huge amounts of wood through one- one neighbor has a prominent bucking & splitting "facility" for such in his front yard.
But the attention is focused on appliances that extract useful heat?See a problem with that picture?
I agree, although you can get some useful heat out of some fireplaces if you know how to use them. Still, as one who identifies as an environmentalist I think a lot of this is wrong-headed. No matter what you do to the stoves/appliances, wood burning will never be appropriate everywhere or for everyone. Heck, I can make my clean burning stoves pump out huge amounts of smoke if I'm boneheaded about it.
Very interesting omission IMHO is the total silence about fireplaces. I've seen some test results indicating emission rates around 40 times those of EPA stoves. There are many around me who feed huge amounts of wood through one- one neighbor has a prominent bucking & splitting "facility" for such in his front yard.
But the attention is focused on appliances that extract useful heat?See a problem with that picture?
If you don't like you're smoke, or your neighbor's smoke, then let's just get rid of everyone's smoke... Giant solution to an isolated problem, Slowp.
There is, or there should be a tag or plate on your appliance with the certification date on it... certification is good for 5 years.Whitespider, you reference "until certification expires" , when does a certification expire?
That's because you have liberal tunnel vision. Have you even givin' thought to the idea that "regulation" may not be the best solution?? Have you even givin' thought to the idea that "regulation" (and the corruption it breeds) may actually be the worst solution?? Complaining without proposing a solution may be whining... but simply proposing a solution doesn't automatically make that proposal a good idea. And a fine example of that is the mess that came from many of the "solutions" enacted by both Roosevelt administrations... Teddy's and FDR's.And do away with the EPA?
How will you regulate industries that are prone to doing evil things like that, and how will you stop pollution from one state flowing into and harming another state, if you only require states to regulate, or not?
Got anything better than the current state of regulation? Unless the feds handle it, I can't see any good coming from states regulating...
Not at all that interesting... this ain't about emissions, it's about money and power.Very interesting omission IMHO is the total silence about fireplaces.
man-o-man,,you just pissed in their Wheaties,,,WITH TRUTH!!!That's because you have liberal tunnel vision. Have you even givin' thought to the idea that "regulation" may not be the best solution?? Have you even givin' thought to the idea that "regulation" (and the corruption it breeds) may actually be the worst solution?? Complaining without proposing a solution may be whining... but simply proposing a solution doesn't automatically make that proposal a good idea. And a fine example of that is the mess that came from many of the "solutions" enacted by both Roosevelt administrations... Teddy's and FDR's.
How 'bout congress just pass laws making the things you mention illegal?? Make them federal offenses?? (By-the-way, that would be constitutional... "regulation" ain't). Perpetrators would then be arrested, charged with criminal offenses, tried in criminal court, and, if found guilty, justly penalized appropriately (which could include fines and clean-up costs). But to "regulate" someone, or something, before they/it has done anything wrong is crap... and is strictly forbidden by the constitution except for a couple narrowly defined, highly restricted, empowerment. The best example is the corrupted, bastardized and prostituted "Interstate Commerce" clause. It may do you some good to study and learn why that was written into the constitution... it was never intended to be used the way it is now. Before the constitution was written, states could charge a tariff, tax or toll on any goods shipped across their state (i.e. regulate interstate commerce)... effectively they could "starve out" a state on the far ends of the trade routes. The "Interstate Commerce" clause was never intended allow all the BS "regulation" the Feds justify under it (and you allow)... it was intended to remove that specific taxing (regulating) power from the states (the power of one state to tax another) so goods could travel freely amongst them, thereby strengthening the nation as a whole. It sure-in-hell did not give the Feds power to create the EPA... yet they managed to corrupt the clause by convincing the sheep they needed protection from themselves. Nixon didn't create the EPA because he cared, he saw an opportunity and created it to expand his power, and you friggin' tunnel visioned liberals cheered it... you were played, and fooled, and you still don't see it (because your tunnel vision sees it as a good thing... the "right" thing to do). It's one of the biggest scams ever played and you friggin' refuse to see it because of blind ideology... sad, so very sad.
Not at all that interesting... this ain't about emissions, it's about money and power.
Open fireplaces are typically "built" during home construction, they ain't an appliance proper... except for a few (very few) exceptions, you can't load an open fireplace in your pickup and haul it home. Ain't enough potential money and power in "regulating" open fireplaces... kind'a like taxing earth worms for crappin' in the dirt. Stop thinkin' the EPA is lookin' out for you.
man-o-man,,you just pissed in their Wheaties,,,WITH TRUTH!!!and now,,they will have to get back at you,,and call you a liar and a racist!!!! and tell you you don't know what your talking about,,and are destroying their dream,,to destroy America,,and build their long sought after utopia,,run by them, of course
its all about POWER and control!! they cant control their own sorry lives,,but they want to tell you how to run yours...