
thats some story!
really glad too hear you've made a full recovery mate. theres some real sobering images there. having not been in the job very long, im in no danger of getting complacent yet, in that being fresh eyes, im constantly shocked at the sheer death factor of each ever increasing implement, and im from a farming background and a bit of a nutter to say the least.
for instance usually we use a trailed self powered chipper and a kohler stump grinder the same as this one
but today we were using the jensen PTO powered chipper with a feed about 3 times the size to take in whole leylandii trees, and the completely bonkers PTO stump grinder with the remote controls on a cable. these machines, there was no way in hell i would mess with them because of the sheer enormaty of them and their blatent danger value, but it is my opinion that it is the smaller scale machines where the dangers really present themselves. the bigger and more blatantly dangerous the machine, even the most cock sure person will respect them surely.
now i get onto the reason i posted the pic of the kohler, Shortly after reading this thread for the first time, we were doing a job in a domestic garden a few days ago, and our self acclaimed head groundie was grinding the stump from the removed tree with the above grinder, realising he could actually saw some more away from the stump he merely tipped the grinder back as you can see can easily be done, with the engine still running flat out and the wheel going too!!!!!! I couldnt believe it!
later, he expected me to remove some stones from the grind zone, again while the machine was still running which was just not going to happen until he moved well back with it.
dont get me wrong, this guy is always on the ball with regards safety usually, chippers, falling branches, the works, this is why it shocked me so much