I'll take a shot, how about a Pro Mac?
Sent from my puter using index fingers and cold beer.
Sent from my puter using index fingers and cold beer.
Was it Smokey YunickOk guys ill give away one last bar adapter to the first person that answers this question correctly in open forum.
Who owned the best damn garage in town?
what he said, beat me to it.But i don't need a bar adapterWas it Smokey Yunick
We have a winner!Henry Yunick?
We have a winner!
Ok guys ill give away one last bar adapter to the first person that answers this question correctly in open forum.
Who owned the best damn garage in town?
Now for my last one ...........................
I'm offering up a Mac SP40 'saw in a box'!
I know, it really is unbelievable .... almost unheard of.
First one to send me a PM with their Name and shipping address gets it!
Merry Christmas!