I snapped only a couple pics of this poplar row. I think I'll get the job. Another co bid $25,000 for them plus another with worse access. The customer laughed at them and said there was no way, as they'd need a second mortgage to afford the job. For now they're only considering this group, which has about 7 major leaders of about 12-16 inches at 20 feet, and 4-5 six to ten inch leaders. Smallest butt cut 24", largest about 52". The trees are about 100-110 feet tall, and pretty much touching both houses on either side. I will have 700-1000 in certified flagger fees plus road closure permits. 400 to 800 in wood removal costs plus Mike and his 17 ton boom truck to help with the lower 30 to 60 feet of trunks that wont be in our way for the Hobbs/lowering and speedline rigging. We'll use two climbers, one to rig and one to cut...works slick with tall poplar leaders. We likely won't need to speed line a lot, but may use the chipper winch to pull the butts right to the feed wheels. I have a dump 10 minutes away for the expected 4 loads of chips. I expect 2 to 2.5 days, and may come in around 8000 total.
The remaining tree (not pictured) would be very hard, but I think I can get the cable co to drop their pole to pole lines, as the pwr co already said they'll drop their secondary....Good thing it is not a primary! I can likely then do that tree for $3000, which would bring me in under 50% of the other bid. Otherwise, it would be worth $6000 easy.
Just call me the problem solver...and master rigger.....companies that are in awe of big trees often call for the huge crane too soon. The other outfit said this would be the most technical job they'd done...and they are one of the better, more reputable outfits... to me the job will be challenging, due to the close quarters and road, but should go smoothly...I hope!