MQuinn's TakeDown at University Thread ; a tree was fallen with a line top side rear that went wrong, luckily with out injury. For, here we set the weight, leverage, speed and direction of the tree against itself. Too much pretightening, too fast a fall, pulley set too high (too much restriction) etc. can over steer the tree quite powerfully i would think. Enoungh releif, quick enough as not to fold the tree back on itself(?); possibly killing someone i think.
i think the technique is very similar to using more pull on one side from side rear in the
Tapered Hinge . The position exactly opposite of a motion (felling) is the most leveraged position to control by pull i think. The hinge pulls from the but, the line from the side, the line is more leveraged a position (from compressed part of hinge); but the hinge fibers are tighter, stornger, less elastic; so apply their resistant correction more inteseley and immediately upon movement of the spar.
Also, i think by the low angle of the line pulling back towars hinge there are some examinations of
Hinge Pocket Pressure Rig ; though not in the pressure it places in the hinge, just the low angle, rear control of the line.
If line is laced on the load with a horizontal bend in line it would be similar to
Self Tightening Torque a more dramatic correction is invoked i think.
Or something like that