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Originally posted by Mike Maas
Google Div-X, download a free editor, follow directions. Takes about a half a day to self teach.

Be carefull masterblaster, Mike sent me there once.........
I'll download ya some words here also for free,


[Originally posted by MasterBlaster ]
[I just checked it out, and there's a jillion downloads there. I can't see Div-X. ]

Dont say i dident warn ya.....wait till the registration trail starts
Just check with Mike as to which "timezone" he's in..I think his days are a lot longer than hours....Not posting from alaska are you Mike?

Cool, but I guess it's too late for this one.

No biggie. They'll be more, I 'spect.

This one was way-long, for sure. I was by myself, and had to walk 200 ft in each direction.
On a whim when reading the new posts in the quicktime video thread, I checked google for "olympus motion picture format" and saw many references to QuickTime™ Motion JPEG.&nbsp; Go figure.&nbsp; I'd think they could use the standard, MPEG, (the <i>real</i> motion JPEG?) freely(?) instead of licensing something... though I do recall hearing something about a stink about a patent being enforced by a sleazy group that bought the "intellectual property rights" to it for MPEG.

At any rate, it might not be possible for Butch to save in any other format.

Have you checked the software that came with your camera butch? there may be something in there to play with the video. if not quicktime pro is what you need i suppose. i think it costs about 30$ .
Butch, I just truncated that little hatchet video at both half size, and at third.&nbsp; Each time it played successfully shorter.&nbsp; It wouldn't work, of course, to trim time off the front end.

The command <a href="http://www.netadmintools.com/html/dd.man.html" target="_blank">dd</a> is what I used.&nbsp; You don't have it, but can get it $0.00, the only problem with it is there's no graphical interface, so you'd have to actually type!

The next job was two big pines that the guy thought could be thrown, but he was wrong. I needed to strip one of them out, and top it.