Stihl User
what about the 70?
It was fun to ride and carried my 175lb arse around good but needed more room in the garage and sold it.
what about the 70?
Sharp bike! Custom color?
That little 600 will go 170?
Man, how can you quit riding?
Probably notI had a CBR 600RR that would run the speedo up past 170mph but the magazines only said it did 157 or so, either the speedo was off at those speeds or the magazine test dummies never bounced the bike off its rev limiter in 6th gear
It was a factory color only made in 2004, I had to drive 3 states over to find it.
That little 600 will go 170?
Man, how can you quit riding?
Yeah, it had all the bolt ons and we used a thiner head gasket for more comp. I added the quick shifter to the dynojet module and that was the cat's meow! I could do a full throttle upshift and not even touch the clutch. The 1000s had a time with me in the corners but killed me on the straights. I had a universal turbo kit custom built for it but after the crash, sold it too.
Riding on the street was dangerous as we treated it like a closed course and other people(in cars) just don't pay bikes much attention anyway.
Riding buddy of mine's Kawacker Z1000, around 04 is the same awesome color and it even has it on the wheels and hubs.
You're def. going a little too far and in need of a break for some common sense if you thinkin bout puttin a turbo on that ride lol.
I rode a turbo ZX10, wicked stuff on 2 wheels. I liked to ride corners at the time and was going to get another bike for that and keep the 636 as a drag/fun bike.
I have been a motorcycle guy without a bike at times too. I would dream about them when I did not have one. The last 20 years I have not been without. Last year I crashed into a deer at 60mph. I wasn't doing anything wrong but often I will go way too fast. I did however decide to quit riding at night. Next time I hit a deer I might not be so lucky, they are mass infestation around here. You will get back into it again when you are ready.
I have been a motorcycle guy without a bike at times too. I would dream about them when I did not have one. The last 20 years I have not been without. Last year I crashed into a deer at 60mph. I wasn't doing anything wrong but often I will go way too fast. I did however decide to quit riding at night. Next time I hit a deer I might not be so lucky, they are mass infestation around here. You will get back into it again when you are ready.
New to this site my first post