You stole that! Looks pretty good, what year is it?
Got this off craiglist for $1200.00, 1992, just needed to rebuild the carbs.
View attachment 189243
That reminds me of the Honda CB750 fours for pulling tractors that my neighbor would modify... all he did was port and polish the heads, install Accel ignition coils/wires and NGK plugs, and lapped the valves... then started with long individual pipes from each port, and cut them down until he got into the desired rpm range for power and torque. He got about 90-95 horsepower at about 13,000 rpm, red line was something like 14 or 15,000 rpm... never had a problem with them, only one broke a timing chain... otherwise they were as reliable as your average CB750...
If I got a naked street bike, I'd probably start out with a GS550 or the like... and after I get the hang of it, start porting it...

Make a little screamer of a bike, and scare all kinds of much bigger bikes with the proper gearing... Those, IIRC rev out to about 11,000 rpm stock, so porting should take it well into the 15,000 rpm area, and make some respectable power too.
I'd paint it flat black, of course...