lets see them motorcycles

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So does that make me a wimp for wantin a 250 fourstroker :)

Yeah. I plan on getting a Husky CR390 two smoker... talk about fast...

My neighbor has one, and the poor thing is still waiting to be put back together. It is one good looking old iron motocross machine. He says he also has an aftermarket muffler for it, which the guy he bought it from said was louder than hell... :)

I hear the 390 has a sharp spike somewhere in the powerband, kinda like a lightswitch... nice steady torque, then BAM!!! there's the power... :) My neighbor said he has popped many wheelies on the thing before the 390 decided to call it quits for a while.

Some people say they hate riding a 390 as it's so 'unpredictable' I think it's cause they don't got the nuts to go balls out... :D

I swear to God, if he don't get that thing running this year, I'm gonna have to grab it and rebuild it in my barn. I wanna ride that thing... :rock:

Derail complete. 250 subject is now void... :biggrinbounce2:
Heres my last mx bike i had 02 yzf 250 had ALOT of aftermarket stuff on it. Suspension was setup for me as well. Engine was stock besides bolt ons.

I bought this bike in 03 and rode/raced it til 09. Never gave me any problems and the last 2 years i was hard on it. I raced novice class usually thru out the race the bike was on the rev limiter mainly. I had to sell it after a bad accident on the lake and couldnt pay my bills. I miss it. I maybe getting back into it, pretty soon once i sell my Dodge truck. I dunno if want a streetbike or another mx bike though. A guy at work is selling his '09 buell 1125r im interested in that, but i love flying thru the air....




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Who's that bombshell? :msp_drool:

The bike is a good one. Too bad you had to sell it. :(

I used to have a TT-R 125L, I rode the piss out of that bike, sure, not a screamer like a two smoker, but it was fast for its size... topped out at 67 mph on a gravel road in the middle of the apple orchard. Only problem was an inner tube, the front one. I even put Royal Purple in when the oil needed to be changed, and that helped... noticeably.

I made a diamond plate aluminum skid plate, rear sprocket protecting shark fin, and chain guard for it. It was in good shape, only the front brake lever was a little goofy.

I miss that bike, but am way outgrown for it now. I hope to get a dual sport or a street bike someday.

Dual sport would either be a KDX200, 220R, or 250. Maybe some of the older two smokers, depending on parts availability. I know a KTM 380 EXC would be a hell of a lot of fun, but I imagine parts are a bit rare and hard to find. Not to mention you pay a good premium for most KTM bikes.

Street, likely Suzuki RG500 or RG250, Yamaha RZ/RD350, or Aprilia RS250. I love the scream of a two smoke.

If I can ever convince my neighbor to sell me that Husky CR 390, I'd be in heaven... even though it's a bit of a basket case right now. I hear they have a great powerband... like a light switch... :D Wheelies!!!! YAY!!!! :blob2::rock:
I started out with small enduro bikes but then I got a great deal on a CanAm 370 Qualifier. I became hooked on torque and horespower. The 370 didn't care what gear you were in, it just pulled. You could ride it all day long in the woods and just leave it in 3rd gear of you wanted to. It was geard for over 100 mph and would pull it with ease.

Then I got a Yamaha IT 465.....yikes
even more power. After a couple years I decided that I wasn't smart enough to slow down, and blasting through the woods at 60-80 mph would probably catch up with me some day and when it did it would most likely get very ugly in a hurry. Trees hurt. I sold the bike to a younger guy. He stuffed it under his truck on his first ride. He and the bike survived but the quarter panel of his ford was much worse for the wear.

After being out of it for many years I bought a KTM 525EXC. It had as much power as the 2 strokes but the power band was not as wide so it required more skill to ride. The suspension permitted insane speeds. I kind of got caught up in the speed thing again, the guys I rode with didn't want to just putt through the woods they wanted to average 25 and 30 mph on 50 mile long single track trail loops. At 60 years old I decided I better quit riding like that before I hurt myself so I sold the KTM. I have been riding motorcycles for 45 years. The only dirt bike I own now is a GasGas 250 XCR enduro bike. It is a hoot to ride.

Must of been some easy woods if your going that fast.....i raced hare scrambles before moto and a average for the pros were 30 to 40mph in the woods. They were pro guys.....
Nothing beats the sound of a big bore 2 stroke's compression banging away inside the pipe. Then the deep throaty growl as you get on the gas. Had a kx 420 years ago. what a piece of crap. That bike literally would tear itself apart. But the trenches you could dig with that thing! 1st year kawasaki went to the mono shock. Most hideous suspension I've ever been on. Like riding a buckboard. Sold it and bought a kdx 200. Wish I still had that one.
Nothing beats the sound of a big bore 2 stroke's compression banging away inside the pipe. Then the deep throaty growl as you get on the gas. Had a kx 420 years ago. what a piece of crap. That bike literally would tear itself apart. But the trenches you could dig with that thing! 1st year kawasaki went to the mono shock. Most hideous suspension I've ever been on. Like riding a buckboard. Sold it and bought a kdx 200. Wish I still had that one.
The only 2 stroke i had was a kx 80 it was my first bike. After that all ive owned are 4 strokes. I did like that 250f cause i could ride it balls out all the time and that was sorta my style. This past weekend i rode my buddys spare bike which is a 09 kxf450 its fuel injected, besides the "flame outs" when you came into a corner hard it was sweet. After i rode it a while i started riding the 450 like my 250 so i was actually going alot faster then i would of been on a 250. If i do get another mx bike it will be a yzf 450. Love the yamahas.
Yeah, I was looking at the Gas Gas bikes too. Might end up with one of them. I almost forgot all about them, thanks for refreshing my mind. :cheers:

Yamaha WR two smoker is a possibility also...

As is some 'hack' job made by meself... :D

If I were to take a frame, I'd want something like a YZ250 or similar frame. Probably would drop a 350 Banshee engine in there, and slap some tires on. :rock: It'd be a screamer.

I just love the song of a two stroke. Nothing will ever rid me of that love for the distinct idle and scream/roar at top end.

Ah, might look at an ATK Intimidator too... the big 686cc single... I'd probably end up dead on that one, so I probably won't get it, lol.

I'm pretty crazy, but not that ####ing crazy... :D

Did I ever mention I jumped an Enticer 250 12 feet from take off to landing, was about 6-7, maybe a hair more feet off of the ground. Thank God I wore a helmet. Shattered jaw would've sucked big time. I was pretty stupid back then, lol.
Yeah, I was looking at the Gas Gas bikes too. Might end up with one of them. I almost forgot all about them, thanks for refreshing my mind. :cheers:

Yamaha WR two smoker is a possibility also...

As is some 'hack' job made by meself... :D

If I were to take a frame, I'd want something like a YZ250 or similar frame. Probably would drop a 350 Banshee engine in there, and slap some tires on. :rock: It'd be a screamer.

I just love the song of a two stroke. Nothing will ever rid me of that love for the distinct idle and scream/roar at top end.

Ah, might look at an ATK Intimidator too... the big 686cc single... I'd probably end up dead on that one, so I probably won't get it, lol.

I'm pretty crazy, but not that ####ing crazy... :D

Did I ever mention I jumped an Enticer 250 12 feet from take off to landing, was about 6-7, maybe a hair more feet off of the ground. Thank God I wore a helmet. Shattered jaw would've sucked big time. I was pretty stupid back then, lol.

Why dont you get something like this
Service Honda Home of the CR500AF

Plus KTM and gas gas are all foreign bikes. Everything is pricey about them. Ktm is junk in my opinion, ive never rode a gas gas nor do i want to. My buddys gas gas trials bike is cool looking i guess. But i would rather stick with the 4 main guys. Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, or Kawasaki.
and they are built where?......

do yourself a favor, keep an open mind, sometimes you get what you pay for. Ohlins on both ends can't hurt anything. Go ride a KTM 525 and tell us what is wrong with it.

I think KTM's are built for places like Texas.....100 plus MPH easy stuff for miles on end. The KTM's will do it. Pull the front wheel at 60 mph...not a problem.

I have had them all, even an old Ossa. I love Honda's, I own a Goldwing and a 1800 VTX at the moment, but they are not cutting edge, they are just very very good. The KTM 525 was the only bike I ever owned that had far more performance than I could ever use in the tight woods of Michigan. Around here there are a lot of Orange bikes in the woods.:)
I raced a buddys ktm 450sxf and i rode it several times when i didnt have a bike. Its junk, it handled crappy, stuff would fall off all the time even after you checked it was tight. O ya and it only had electric start no kick start which was retarded. A mx bike should not have a battery but good ol KTM thought it was a great idea. Ive been around bikes all my life, Ktms are junk in my book. I also hated the way the suspension was setup with no linkage in the rear. Felt funny, i didnt like it. For a bike thats more then a Japanese bike you would think it would be ALOT nicer. Sure the factory FMF pipes are nice but still doesnt change the fact bolts fly off for no reason.

I dont know where you think we ride in Tx but there is no place for a Ktm to do 100mph especially in the woods. You mentioned easy stuff as well, Tx holds the ironman every year on the red river. Its one of the hardest races ever. Also there is no way any Ktm except maybe the duke can pull a wheelie at 60mph. Sure the woods guys like them, thats because they are the only company making 2 stroke "WOODS" bikes. Ive rode a 525 as well, sure it would thump, but it handled like a turd and was heavy. I would use it if the race consisted of 2 turns the rest straight aways or turn it into a motard.

I dont mean to come off as a ##### but im just giving you my 2 cents, from what ive expierenced.
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I was thinking about a CR500 or KX500... or even an older YZ490, WR500...

I've concluded with the kind of trails we have around here, I'd get killed pretty quick on two wheels, one of which having in excess of 50 hp supplied to it.

I think a two smoker old Husky will be just right. :) I dunno if my neighbor ever will let go of that thing. He knows it's worth some money, even as a basket case. But it isn't about the money... I'm sure he wants to haul ass around the trails on it. :)

My dad used to have a KLR 250, but after he wiped out on my 125 (apparently when he and his friend went out, they traded from the 250 and he got the 125 for the ride back) he decided to sell it. He didn't want to take the risk.

I told him in the beginning if he's serious about riding, he'd (well, we'd) have to get some gear, like the shin and knee guards, boots, chest protector, elbow/forearm guards, etc. Obviously, he wasn't interested.

Snowmobiling is where it's at for him. He knows that better anyways. Plus snow, if not packed too hard, which it tends not to be around here, is pretty soft, and considering the coat and snowpants, wipeouts are fairly soft, given the sled doesn't land on your head.

Hmm... can't wait to get the Procraft with the 150 Mercury XR2 roaring... that thing is fast. :) Needs some tlc, like new water pump, thermostats and such (preventative maint.) Needs the won't-go-over-3000rpm problem solved. We've currently got an ad on CL for someone that knows their way around these outboards. I've heard it can be the coil packs, and/or the stator. It idles and cruises fine, but when you go full throttle, it won't rev up.

Back to bikes... I want a Suzuki RE5 wankel rotary bike... :)
I was thinking about a CR500 or KX500... or even an older YZ490, WR500...

I've concluded with the kind of trails we have around here, I'd get killed pretty quick on two wheels, one of which having in excess of 50 hp supplied to it.

I think a two smoker old Husky will be just right. :) I dunno if my neighbor ever will let go of that thing. He knows it's worth some money, even as a basket case. But it isn't about the money... I'm sure he wants to haul ass around the trails on it. :)

My dad used to have a KLR 250, but after he wiped out on my 125 (apparently when he and his friend went out, they traded from the 250 and he got the 125 for the ride back) he decided to sell it. He didn't want to take the risk.

I told him in the beginning if he's serious about riding, he'd (well, we'd) have to get some gear, like the shin and knee guards, boots, chest protector, elbow/forearm guards, etc. Obviously, he wasn't interested.

Snowmobiling is where it's at for him. He knows that better anyways. Plus snow, if not packed too hard, which it tends not to be around here, is pretty soft, and considering the coat and snowpants, wipeouts are fairly soft, given the sled doesn't land on your head.

Hmm... can't wait to get the Procraft with the 150 Mercury XR2 roaring... that thing is fast. :) Needs some tlc, like new water pump, thermostats and such (preventative maint.) Needs the won't-go-over-3000rpm problem solved. We've currently got an ad on CL for someone that knows their way around these outboards. I've heard it can be the coil packs, and/or the stator. It idles and cruises fine, but when you go full throttle, it won't rev up.

Back to bikes... I want a Suzuki RE5 wankel rotary bike... :)

Get you a service honda cr500 they are way better then those old original cr500s. Personally, i would go with a 250f plenty of power for you. Can ride anything with them as well.
Well it's time for tires on the Kawasaki nomad, This will be the fourth back tire and third front one. i called up the kawa dealer where i USED to get them put on and told him what i needed.

He said i'll have to look it up, Can ya hold on. I said Sure He comes back and says we put two on and mount and balance them for 615 dollars.

I was like knocked unconseous or something. Didn't know what to say, So i blurted out the first that come to mind. "The Hell you say"

I said you have to be kidding, I can put four truck tires on for that. He said yeah i know, Just had four put on. Well damn, I'm mighty proud of ya but that don't help me.

He ask when i could bring it in, I really thought about a smartass remark but decided against it. Told him, I will shop around some, Thanks for your time.

I called a reputable bike shop around close and he said he will do it for 308 dollars. I said you da man, when can i bring it in? He has to order them but they will be in tommorrow or monday.

For 300 bucks, I can wait a while. This kawa dealer used to be reasonably priced, But sheesh, that's robbery.

Anyway, Gonna get em on for less than half of what they want. I'm a happy camper now.:D
The RE5 is cool but you can experience the same level of performance and fuel mileage with a 750 water buffalo and you can get parts to keep it running.......they are a hoot to ride....the lack of engine braking dictates that you want a later model with the twin front disks.:popcorn::popcorn:
I had one of those water buffaloes years ago, That thing was a beast and would run like a scalded dog. Had it up to 135 in my younger dumber days. Here it is


Found this one too, Yamaha yz(I Think) This was many moons ago.lol

tried to post my banshee the other night, looks like i failed
second attempt:


its a 2003 (they are all basically the same from 87-08 , except some minor gearing changes in early years, and front suspension in the early 80s
its mostly stock, ive changed the front suspension, wider chromoly a-arms, triple rate works shocks, holeshot tires all around, toomey pipes, carbon fiber reeds, k&n filter, bunch of skid plates, just minor stuff.
need to save some cash to get it ported and a +4mm stroker crank would be nice, gotta love the old 70;s technology though, for those not familiar, its a 347cc parallel twin with dual 26mm carbs, out of the 70s yamaha street bikes, milder porting, different gearing, and no powervalves (although you can get aftermarket cylinders with p-valves if you got the $$)
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Man you people have got me really itching for this, I found on my local CL... guy wants 5k for it.



RZ350, nuff said. :)

SS: Those days look much better than these days... A YZ and a water buffalo? Damn, you must of had a hell of a lot of fun.
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